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Why is this xts frequency always 1?





I'm creating an xts object with a weekly (7 day) frequency to use in forecasting. However, even when using the frequency=7 argument in the xts call, the resulting xts object has a frequency of 1.

Here's an example with random data:

> values <- rnorm(364, 10)
> days <- seq.Date(from=as.Date("2014-01-01"), to=as.Date("2014-12-30"), by='days')
> x <- xts(values, order.by=days, frequency=7)
> frequency(x)
[1] 1

I have also tried, after using the above code, frequency(x) <- 7. However, this changes the class of x to only zooreg and zoo, losing the xts class and messing with the time stamp formats.

Does xts automatically choose a frequency based on analyzing the data in some way? If so, how can you override this to set a specific frequency for forecasting purposes (in this case, passing a seasonal time series to ets from the forecast package)?

I understand that xts may not allow frequencies that don't make sense, but a frequency of 7 with daily time stamps seems pretty logical.

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NathanC Avatar asked Mar 13 '23 19:03


1 Answers

Consecutive Date class dates always have a frequency of 1 since consecutive dates are 1 apart. Use ts or zooreg to get a frequency of 7:

tt <- ts(values, frequency = 7)

zr <- as.zooreg(tt)
# or
zr <- zooreg(values, frequency = 7)

These will create a series whose times are 1, 1+1/7, 1+2/7, ...

If we have some index values of zr

zrdates <- index(zr)[5:12]

we can recover the dates from zrdates like this:

days[match(zrdates, index(zr))]

As pointed out in the comments xts does not support this type of series.

like image 157
G. Grothendieck Avatar answered Mar 24 '23 22:03

G. Grothendieck