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Why is this method a hot spot?

I'm writing a (simple!) linear algebra library. In the implementation of matrix multiplication, a VisualVM performance sample is telling me that the algorithm spends 85% of its time ("self time", specifically) in the following method when multiplying large matrices (5k x 120k):

public double next() {
    double result;

        result = vis[i++].next();
        throw new IllegalStateException("No next value");

    return result;

Without going into too much detail (sorry, I can't share more code), this method is the next() method of an "iterator" for the matrix. (You can think of the class this method lives in as a row iterator made up of individual column iterators, which are stored in vis.) I'm not surprised that this method gets called a lot since it's an iterator, but I am surprised that the program spends a lot of its time in this method. This method doesn't do too much, so why is it spending its time here?

Here are the specific questions I'm asking:

  1. Is there some "gotcha" of VisualVM I'm hitting? For example, could the JIT be confusing VisualVM in some way that's causing VisualVM to attribute time to the wrong method?
  2. Why would the program be spending its time here? The method just doesn't do too much. In particular, I don't think cache effects explain this problem because the vis array is much smaller than the data of the matrices being multiplied.

In case it's useful, here's a jad disassembly of the method I pasted above:

public double next()
    double result;
//*   0    0:aload_0         
//*   1    1:invokevirtual   #88  <Method boolean hasNext()>
//*   2    4:ifeq            32
        result = vis[i++].next();
//    3    7:aload_0         
//    4    8:getfield        #42  <Field VectorIterator[] vis>
//    5   11:aload_0         
//    6   12:dup             
//    7   13:getfield        #28  <Field int i>
//    8   16:dup_x1          
//    9   17:iconst_1        
//   10   18:iadd            
//   11   19:putfield        #28  <Field int i>
//   12   22:aaload          
//   13   23:invokeinterface #72  <Method double VectorIterator.next()>
//   14   28:dstore_1        
//*  15   29:goto            42
        throw new IllegalStateException("No next value");
//   16   32:new             #89  <Class IllegalStateException>
//   17   35:dup             
//   18   36:ldc1            #91  <String "No next value">
//   19   38:invokespecial   #93  <Method void IllegalStateException(String)>
//   20   41:athrow          
    return result;
//   21   42:dload_1         
//   22   43:dreturn         

Thanks in advance for your help guys!

like image 317
sigpwned Avatar asked Apr 17 '13 16:04


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3 Answers

I figured out that this method looked like a hotspot because VisualVM was being instructed to ignore methods from the JRE in its profiling. The time being spent in those "ignored" methods was (ostensibly) being rolled into the self time of the topmost non-ignored entry of the call stack.

Below is the settings screen in VisualVM, including the "Do not profile packages" setting that was making the data wrong. To adjust the "ignore class" settings, you have to (1) click the "Settings" checkbox highlighted in red, then (2) adjust the classes setting highlighted in blue.

VisualVM Settings Screen

Depending on what you're doing, it probably makes sense at least not to ignore the java.* and javax.* packages.

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sigpwned Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 06:11


I don't know VisualVM from experience.

First determine if its instrumenting the bytecode to gather statistics. If so, look no further - instrumenting a short method always overinflates its self time (measuring the time and incrementing the statistics counter costs more time than the method itself).

But its always possible that the iterator consumes more time than the calculation itself. Imagine just summing up a matrix. Adding a float value to a local sum variable costs a lot less time than invoking a method, checking an invariant and finally accessing the array.

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Durandal Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 04:11


Forget the profiler. Just pause the darn thing a few times and examine the stack. If 85% of the time goes into that routine, then chances are 85% on each pause that you will see exactly where it is in that routine, and exactly where it comes from. You can even see where it is in the process of multiplying the matrices. Thousands of samples won't tell you that.

My own sense is that calling that function, then doing hasNext, then doing Next on every single element is going to be a lot slower than i++.

like image 29
Mike Dunlavey Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 06:11

Mike Dunlavey