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Why is this expression evaluated to "a" in JavaScript? [duplicate]

I got hold of some obfuscated JavaScript code. I tried to understand it, and doing this, I typed pieces of it in the console. I can't understand why

> ((!!+[]+"")[+!![]])
< "a"

Why is ((!!+[]+"")[+!![]]) equal to "a" in JavaScript? Is there some other code snippets to get others letters?

I guess it's something to do with automatic casting.

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WayToDoor Avatar asked May 28 '17 15:05


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2 Answers

( ( !!+[] + "" ) [ +!![] ] )
( (  !!0  + "" ) [ +true ] )
( ( false + "" ) [ +true ] )
( (   "false"  ) [   1   ] )
(         "false"[1]       )
(            "a"           ) 

Is there some other code snippets to get others letters ?

You can play with the same concept to get all the letters from "true", "false", "undefined", "NaN"...

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pomber Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09


You should work on operator precedence and type castings in JavaScript:

!!+[] // Is falsey. this is same for !!+0 or !!+""
false + "" // Is "false". as 5+"" is "5".

![] // Is falsey.
!false // Is true
+true //  Is equal to 1. +[] = 0, +false = 0

And at least,

"false"[1] // Is "a"
like image 45
marmeladze Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09
