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Why is there no n-step Q-learning algorithm in Sutton's RL book?

I think I am messing something up.

I always thought that:
- 1-step TD on-policy = Sarsa
- 1-step TD off-policy = Q-learning

Thus I conclude: - n-step TD on-policy = n-step Sarsa
- n-step TD off-policy = n-step Q-learning

In Sutton's book, however, he never introduces n-step Q-Learning, but he does introduce n-step off-policy Sarsa. Now I feel confused.

Can someone help me with the naming?

Link to Sutton's book (Off-Policy n-step Sarsa on page 149)

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siva Avatar asked Apr 13 '18 17:04


People also ask

What is N-Step Q-learning?

The N-step Q learning algorithm works in similar manner to DQN except for the following changes: No replay buffer is used. Instead of sampling random batches of transitions, the network is trained every N steps using the latest N steps played by the agent.

What is N-step algorithm?

Another fundamental algorithm is the use of n-Step returns, rather than single step returns in the basic Q-learning or SARSA implementations. Rather than just looking one step into the future and estimating the return, you can look several steps.

Is Q-learning offline RL?

Note that Q-function training in offline RL does not suffer from state distribution shift, as the Bellman backup never queries the Q-function on out-of-distribution states. However, the policy may suffer from state distribution shift at test time.

Why Q-learning is off policy?

Q-learning is called off-policy because the updated policy is different from the behavior policy, so Q-Learning is off-policy. In other words, it estimates the reward for future actions and appends a value to the new state without actually following any greedy policy.

1 Answers

I always thought that:

  • 1-step TD on-policy = Sarsa
  • 1-step TD off-policy = Q-learning

That's mostly correct, but not the full story. Q-learning is a version of off-policy 1-step temporal-difference learning, but not just that; it's specifically updating Q-values for the policy that is greedy with respect to current estimates. Off-policy value learning can be more general, it can be about learning for any target policy; Q-learning is more specific, it's specifically about having the greedy policy as target policy.

A naive extension of Q-learning to n steps would no longer be correct, because that doesn't work for off-policy algorithms (like Q-learning). You'd have to correct for the "off-policyness" in some way; one way to do that is importance sampling. When you introduce that in a more general manner (for any possible target policy), you get the algorithm on that page you mentioned, which they refer to there as Off-policy n-step Sarsa. I suppose that a specific instance of this algorithm, with the target policy pi being the greedy policy with respect to Q, could intuitively be understood as a "correct" version of n-step Q-learning.

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Dennis Soemers Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09

Dennis Soemers