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Why is there a right margin line in Android Studio editor window?

There is a vertical line in the middle of the file editor window in Android Studio. I'm unable to change the margin line. Below is the screenshot of the right margin line:

enter image description here

Where is the setting to change this line?

like image 347
cajsaico Avatar asked Jul 03 '14 16:07


People also ask

How to remove vertical line in Android Studio?

I had to click on File > Settings > Editor > General > Appearance and remove the checkbox on Show hard wrap and visual guides (configured in Code Style options) .

Why does Android studio have lines?

That line historically represents the margin of A4 paper, which is useful only if you need to print the code. Old school says that you should keep your code inside that margin, to guarantee much portability.

2 Answers

I guess you mean this line?

enter image description here

That's a ruler for the max column width.

You can change the max column width from:
File > Settings > Editor > Code Style > Right Margin (columns)

enter image description here

like image 93
Ahmad Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10


If you are using Dart language:

settings -> Code Style -> Dart

and set Line length to your preference.

like image 29
Lomanto Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10
