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Why is the WPA2-PSK key length limited to 63 characters?





I wonder why there is a limit of just 63 characters for the passphrase of WPA2-PSK. It's not even a power of two and looks very unusual to me, but surely there's some deeper meaning to this number.

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ph4nt0m Avatar asked Aug 01 '13 23:08


People also ask

How long is a WPA2-PSK password?

WPA2-PSK can be configured to use a password of up to 63 characters, which should be secure enough for any organization to adopt.

What is the key size for WPA2?

WPA2 AES encryption uses two keys : PTK nad GTK, each 128 bit long. AES is a block cipher, a type of symmetric key cipher that uses groups of bits of a fixed length - called blocks.

How many characters does a WPA key have?

Key--The shared secret key for WPA Personal security. Enter a string of at least 8 characters to a maximum of 63 characters. Acceptable characters include upper and lower case alphabetic letters, the numeric digits, and special symbols such as @ and #.

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According to the documentation of the standard, the length of an SSID should be a maximum of 32 characters (32 octets, normally ASCII letters and digits, though the standard itself doesn't exclude values). Some access point/router firmware versions use null-terminated strings and accept only 31 characters.

1 Answers

The PSK is derived from the passphrase using PBKDF2 key derivation function with SHA1 as the pseudo random function. The passphrase is an 8-63 character ASCII encoded string.

PSK = PBKDF2(PassPhrase, ssid, ssidLength, 4096, 256)

The PSK is 32 bytes (256 bits), often displayed as 64 hex characters.

According to the 802.11i specification:

A pass-phrase is a sequence of between 8 and 63 ASCII-encoded characters. The limit of 63 comes from the desire to distinguish between a pass-phrase and a PSK displayed as 64 hexadecimal characters.

So the difference is just to distinguish a 64 hex character PSK from a 8-63 character ASCII passhprase.

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Dominic Gifford Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 20:10

Dominic Gifford