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Why is the User information stored in two different tables in ASP.NET's default Membership Provider?

There are two tables: aspnet_users and aspnet_membership. Can anyone elaborate on the reasons why they don't use a single table for this?

like image 256
kitsune Avatar asked Apr 27 '09 18:04


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1 Answers

The membership table holds information related to the MembershipProvider API interface. The users table stores usernames and user ids, which are referenced from many providers.

  • Users
    • Membership (MembershipProvider)
    • Profile (ProfileProvider)
    • Roles (RoleManager)
    • etc

The aspnetdb system is very modular and each piece can be customized through the various providers. The tables need to be separated so each interface can be rewritten, redirected, etc.

like image 65
Alan Jackson Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 14:10

Alan Jackson