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Why is the LinkedIn API's 'picture-urls::(original)' field no longer returning values?

I've been importing photos with the picture-urls::(original) field for years but since 2018/2/26 about half of profiles have not been returning this field and since 2018/3/1 none of them have been returning it. The picture-url field is not a usable substitute since the photos are too small.

The field is still documented as part of the basic profile. Several others are having this problem too:

  1. Linked in Omniauth photo_urls or picture-urls::(original) not being returned

  2. LinkedIn not picking up og:image from wordpress

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Ben Avatar asked Mar 02 '18 17:03


1 Answers

The development of the v2 of the API is at a very advanced state and eventually v1 will lose all support in a more or less organized manner.

Use v2 with a projection to get the urn to the source image pictureInfo(cropInfo,croppedImage,hidden,masterImage)

And from then get the image. I doubt a fix will come for something that is going to get deprecated.

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s1mpl3 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09
