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Why is the jQuery FileTree showing files when not set to?


I'm using the jqueryfiletree plugin, and it seems established and fairly smooth, but I have some issues:

Despite the options being set as follows:

$(function() {
        onlyFolders: true,
        root: "C%3a%5cProjects%5cBMW%5cCode%5cFileTransfers.Web",
        script: "/FileTree/Tree",
        multiFolder: false,
        multiSelect: false,
        preventLinkAction: true
  1. onlyFolders seems to be ignored, and any folder opened also shows files it contains.
  2. The same goes for multiSelect: false. While I can "select" (highlight it in bold) only one file at a time, I can still check as many folder and file checkboxes as I want.
  3. Only multiFolder: false seems to work as documented, but I don't know if it's because that's a default behaviour anyway.

What am I doing wrong if I want to configure this widget to allow the user to select only one folder?

like image 903
ProfK Avatar asked Sep 18 '17 17:09


1 Answers

The connector (yes, yours is custom) is what performs the filtering on the results. If you are not looking for / using the passed parameters from the jQuery plugin, then the results will not be what you expect. From the link someone posted above (https://github.com/jqueryfiletree/jqueryfiletree/blob/master/dist/connectors/Asp.Net-MVC/FileTreeController.cs) and the PHP version which seems to use the applicable options (https://github.com/jqueryfiletree/jqueryfiletree/blob/master/dist/connectors/jqueryFileTree.php), we can update this just a bit to return a better result set.

Note - we do not have insight into your files, so this is a very freshman example using some boilerplate code. Also, I know your answer is about .NET core, but the logic should still hold true even if the syntax is not exactly the same between 4.6 and Core

//notice the added additional params to the expected request variables
//these appear to match the names of the jQuery options
public virtual ActionResult GetFiles(string dir, bool multiSelect, 
    bool onlyFolders, bool onlyFiles)
    const string baseDir = @"/App_Data/userfiles/";

    dir = Server.UrlDecode(dir);
    string realDir = Server.MapPath(baseDir + dir);

    //validate to not go above basedir
    if (! realDir.StartsWith(Server.MapPath(baseDir)))
        realDir = Server.MapPath(baseDir);
        dir = "/";

    List<FileTreeViewModel> files = new List<FileTreeViewModel>();

    DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(realDir);

    foreach (DirectoryInfo dc in di.GetDirectories())
        files.Add(new FileTreeViewModel() { Name = dc.Name, Path = String.Format("{0}{1}\\", dir, dc.Name), IsDirectory = true });

    foreach (FileInfo fi in di.GetFiles())
        files.Add(new FileTreeViewModel() { Name = fi.Name, Ext = fi.Extension.Substring(1).ToLower(), Path = dir+fi.Name, IsDirectory = false });
    //lets filter some results using the properties of 
    //the `FileTreeViewModel()` class
    //I have no idea how you are wanting to use multiSelect, so 
    //it has been left out of this example.
        files = files.Where(x=>x.IsDirectory).ToList();
        files = files.Where(x=>!x.IsDirectory).ToList();
    return PartialView(files);
like image 72
Tommy Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 11:09
