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Why is the comma optional in C++ variadic function declarations?




Is there a difference in these two declarations?

int foo( int a, ... );


int foo( int a ... );

If there is no difference, what was the point of making the second syntactically valid?

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William Pursell Avatar asked Nov 25 '11 21:11

William Pursell

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1 Answers

This is speculation, but in C++ in can make sense to have a function with no other parameters, e.g. void f(...) whereas in C a function like this has no use (that I know of) so ... must follow some other parameter and hence, a comma.

From a grammar point of view, it's simpler to simply allow void f( int a ... ) and give it the obvious meaning than it is to disallow it and it's not going to cause much of a burden on compiler writers or any confusion for programmers.

(I originally thought it might be something to do with making the grammar for parameter packs more regular but I discovered that it was explicitly allowed in C++03 in any case.)

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CB Bailey Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 20:10

CB Bailey