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Why is the Android phone simulator so slow?

Compared to the iPhone and Windows Phone 7 equivalents it's takes forever to start up - is it realistic to expect this to improve over time ?

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Alan B Avatar asked Aug 17 '10 08:08

Alan B

People also ask

Why is my Android emulator so slow?

Android Emulator runs slowly after an update If your machine has both an Intel HD 4000 GPU and a discrete GPU, disable the Intel HD 4000 GPU in Device Manager to ensure you are using the discrete GPU. Try running the emulator using the -gpu angle , -gpu swiftshader , or -gpu guest modes.

Why are phone emulators so slow?

The Android Emulator is very slow. The main reason is because it is emulating the ARM CPU & GPU, unlike the iOS Simulator, which runs x86 code instead of the ARM code that runs on the actual hardware.

Which Android emulator is fastest?

LDPlayer is considered one of the best Android emulators for gaming. Because of its high speed and stability, it is widely used to play Android games. Moreover, the multitasking feature lets you open multiple windows simultaneously. Unlike other Android emulators on Windows, LDPlayer does not contain too many ads.

1 Answers

I wouldn't bet my money that it will improve significantly. That is because Android uses a QEMU-based emulator (compared to IPhone's simulator).

Because the IPhone is simulated, it can translate instructions to native processor code on the host machine, which is way faster than the QEMU alternative.

The great advantage with emulation is that the code that is run on the emulator si actually the code that will be running on the physical device, so a possible round of bugs is avoided.

Now, on improving the speed of the Android emulator, you could:

  • open the emulator and not close it for every launch; (re)installing an application in an open emulator is almost instantaneous

  • use the -no-boot-anim command line switch when starting the emulator; this will improve somewhat the startup time

  • use a real device to test your application with

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the_void Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11
