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Why is systemd stopping service immediately after it is started? [closed]




I created a systemd service which should invoke a shell script, when started or on reboot.

Description=Starts the DCCA index software


ExecStart=/opt/insiteone/bin/indexControl start
ExecStop=/opt/insiteone/bin/indexControl stop

# Execute pre and post scripts as root

Initially it kept on restarting in infinite loop as soon as it is started, but when i added the TimeoutSec option, it called the ExecStop as soon as the service was started for the first time (started, and then stopped again immediately).

Any clue, where i am going wrong? P.S: indexControl is a shell script, which starts other processes.

like image 626
RajSanpui Avatar asked Jan 05 '16 14:01


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1 Answers

Try changing Restart=on-abort to Restart=on-abnormal

From http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.service.html:

Setting this to on-failure is the recommended choice for long-running services, in order to increase reliability by attempting automatic recovery from errors. For services that shall be able to terminate on their own choice (and avoid immediate restarting), on-abnormal is an alternative choice.

Also, you may want to add Type=oneshot to the [Service] section.

From https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd#Service_types:

Type=oneshot: this is useful for scripts that do a single job and then exit. You may want to set RemainAfterExit=yes as well so that systemd still considers the service as active after the process has exited.

You can paste my recommended changes below:

Description=Starts the DCCA index software


ExecStart=/opt/insiteone/bin/indexControl start
ExecStop=/opt/insiteone/bin/indexControl stop

Something else to consider is whether or not you even need the Restart= line ... Does the script this service file calls fail often?

like image 62
Jay Baker Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

Jay Baker