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Why is std::codecvt only used by file I/O streams?

I've been implementing a codecvt for handling indentiation of output streams. It can be used like this and works fine:

std::cout << indenter::push << "im indentet" << indenter::pop << "\n im not..."

However, while I can imbue an std::codecvt to any std::ostream I was very confused when I found out that my code worked with std::cout as well as std::ofstream, but not for example for std::ostringstream even while all of which inherit from the base class std::ostream.

The facet is constructed normally, the code compiles, it doesn't throw any exceptions... It's just that none of the member functions of the std::codecvt are called.

For me that is very confusing and I had to spend a lot of time figuring out that std::codecvt won't do anything on non file I/O streams.

Is there any reason std::codecvt is not being used by all classes inherited by std::ostream?

Furthermore does anyone have an idea on which structs I could fall back on to implement the indenter?

Edit: this is the part of the language I'm referring to:

All file I/O operations performed through std::basic_fstream use the std::codecvt<CharT, char, std::mbstate_t> facet of the locale imbued in the stream.

Source: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/locale/codecvt

Update 1:

I've made a small example illustrating my problem:

#include <iostream>
#include <locale>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>

static auto invocation_counter = 0u;

struct custom_facet : std::codecvt<char, char, std::mbstate_t>
  using parent_t = std::codecvt<char, char, std::mbstate_t>;

  custom_facet() : parent_t(std::size_t { 0u }) {}

  using parent_t::intern_type;
  using parent_t::extern_type;
  using parent_t::state_type;

  virtual std::codecvt_base::result do_out (state_type& state, const intern_type* from, const intern_type* from_end, const intern_type*& from_next,
                                                               extern_type* to, extern_type* to_end, extern_type*& to_next) const override
    while (from < from_end && to < to_end)
      *to = *from;



    from_next = from;
    to_next = to;

    return std::codecvt_base::noconv;

  virtual bool do_always_noconv() const throw() override
    return false;

std::ostream& imbueFacet (std::ostream& ostream)
  ostream.imbue(std::locale { ostream.getloc(), new custom_facet{} });

  return ostream;

int main()

  std::cout << "invocation_counter = " << invocation_counter << "\n";

    auto ofstream = std::ofstream { "testFile.txt" };

    ofstream << imbueFacet << "test\n";

  std::cout << "invocation_counter = " << invocation_counter << "\n";

     auto osstream = std::ostringstream {};

     osstream << imbueFacet << "test\n";

  std::cout << "invocation_counter = " << invocation_counter << "\n";

I would except invocation_counter to increase after streaming in the std::ostringstream, but it doesn't.

Update 2:

After more research I found out that I could use std::wbuffer_converter. To quote https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/locale/wbuffer_convert

std::wbuffer_convert is a wrapper over stream buffer of type std::basic_streambuf<char> which gives it the appearance of std::basic_streambuf<Elem>. All I/O performed through std::wbuffer_convert undergoes character conversion as defined by the facet Codecvt. [...]

This class template makes the implicit character conversion functionality of std::basic_filebuf available for any std::basic_streambuf.

This way I can apply a facet to a std::ostringstream:

auto osstream = std::ostringstream {};

osstream << "test\n";
auto facet = custom_facet{};
std::wstring_convert<custom_facet, char> conv;
auto str = conv.to_bytes(osstream.str());

However, I lose the ability to concate facets using the streaming operator <<.

This confuses me even more why the std::codecvt is not implicity used by ALL output streams. All output streams inherit from std::basic_streambuf whose interface is suitable to using std::codecvt, which is just using an input and an output character sequence, fully implemented in std::basic_streambuf.

So why is the parsing of std::codecvt implemented in std::basic_filebuf instead of std::basic_streambuf? std::basic_filebuf inherits std::basic_streambuf after all...

Either I have some fundamental misunderstanding on how streams work in C++ or std::codecvt is poorly integrated in the standard. Maybe this is why it is marked as deprecated?

like image 858
user3520616 Avatar asked Nov 23 '20 23:11


People also ask

What is codecvt in c++?

Class template std::codecvt encapsulates conversion of character strings, including wide and multibyte, from one encoding to another.

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1.1 Streams C/C++ IO are based on streams, which are sequence of bytes flowing in and out of the programs (just like water and oil flowing through a pipe). In input operations, data bytes flow from an input source (such as keyboard, file, network or another program) into the program.

What is the use of codecvt in C++?

Class template std::codecvt encapsulates conversion of character strings, including wide and multibyte, from one encoding to another. All file I/O operations performed through std::basic_fstream<CharT> use the std::codecvt<CharT, char, std::mbstate_t> facet of the locale imbued in the stream.

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1 Answers

The std::codecvt facet was originally intended to handle I/O conversions between disk and memory character representation. Quoted from paragraph 39.4.6 of Bjarne Stroustrup's The C++ Programming Language fourth edition:

Sometimes, the representation of characters stored in a file differs from the desired representation of those same characters in main memory. ... the codecvt facet provides a mechanism for converting characters from one representation to another as they are read or written.

The intended purpose was thus to use std::codecvt only for adapting characters between file (disk) and memory, which partly answers your question:

Why is std::codecvt only used by file I/O streams?

From the docs we see that:

All file I/O operations performed through std::basic_fstream<CharT> use the std::codecvt<CharT, char, std::mbstate_t> facet of the locale imbued in the stream.

Which then answers the question why std::ofstream (uses a file-based streambuffer) and std::cout (linked to standard output FILE stream) invokes std::codecvt.

Now, to use the high-level std::ostream interface you need to provide an underlying streambuf. The std::ofstream provides a filebuf and the std::ostringstream provides a stringbuf (which is not linked to the use of std::codecvt). See this post over the streams, which also highlights the following:

...in the case of ofstream, there are also a few extra functions which forward to additional functions in the filebuf interface

But, to invoke the character conversion functionality of a std::codecvt when you have a std::ostringstream which is a std::ostream with an underlying std::basic_streambuf you can use, as indicated in your post, the std::wbuffer_convert.

You have only used the std::wstring_convert in your second update and not the std::wbuffer_convert.

When using the std::wbuffer_convert you can wrap the original std::ostringstream with a std::ostream as follows:

// Create a std::ostringstream
auto osstream = std::ostringstream{};

// Create the wrapper for the ostringstream
std::wbuffer_convert<custom_facet, char> wrapper(osstream.rdbuf());

// Now create a std::ostream which uses the wrapper to send data to
// the original std::ostringstream
std::ostream normal_ostream(&wrapper);
normal_ostream << "test\n";

// Flush the stream to invoke the conversion
normal_ostream << std::flush;

// Check the invocation_counter
std::cout << "invocation_counter after wrapping std::ostringstream with "
                "std::wbuffer_convert = "
            << invocation_counter << "\n";

Together with the complete example here, the output would be:

invocation_counter start of test1 = 0
invocation_counter after std::ofstream = 1
> test printed to std::cout
invocation_counter after std::cout = 2
invocation_counter after std::ostringstream (should not have changed)= 2
ic after test1 = 2
invocation_counter after std::ostringstream with std::wstring_convert = 3
ic after test2 = 3
invocation_counter after wrapping std::ostringstream with std::wbuffer_convert = 4
ic after test3 = 4


std::codecvt was intended for converting between disk and memory representation. That is why the std::codecvt implementation is only called with streams using an underlying filebuf such as std::ofstream and std::cout. However, a stream using an underlying stringbuf can be wrapped using std::wbuffer_convert into a std::ostream instance which would then invoke the underlying std::codecvt.

like image 157
Jan Gabriel Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 11:10

Jan Gabriel