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Why is some code Deterministic in Python2 and Non-Deterministic in Python 3?


I'm trying to write a script to calculate all of the possible fuzzy string match matches to for a short string, or 'kmer', and the same code that works in Python 2.7.X gives me a non-deterministic answer with Python 3.3.X, and I can't figure out why.

I iterate over a dictionary, itertools.product, and itertools.combinations in my code, but I iterate over all of them to completion with no breaks or continues. In addition, I store all of my results in a separate dictionary instead of the one I'm iterating over. In short - I'm not making any mistakes that are obvious to me, so why is the behavior different between Python2 and Python3?

Sample, slightly simplified code below:

import itertools  def find_best_fuzzy_kmer( kmers ):     for kmer, value in kmers.items():         for similar_kmer in permute_string( kmer, m ):             # Tabulate Kmer  def permute_string( query, m ):     query_list = list(query)     output = set() # hold output     for i in range(m+1):         # pre-calculate the possible combinations of new bases         base_combinations = list(itertools.product('AGCT', repeat=i))         # for each combination `idx` in idxs, replace str[idx]         for positions in itertools.combinations(range(len(query_list)), i):             for bases in base_combinations:                 # Generate Permutations and add to output     return output 
like image 629
BioInfoBrett Avatar asked Nov 09 '13 04:11


1 Answers

If by "non-deterministic" you mean the order in which dictionary keys appear (when you iterate over a dictionary) changes from run to run, and the dictionary keys are strings, please say so. Then I can help. But so far you haven't said any of that ;-)

Assuming that's the problem, here's a little program:

d = dict((L, i) for i, L in enumerate('abcd')) print(d) 

and the output from 4 runs under Python 3.3.2:

{'d': 3, 'a': 0, 'c': 2, 'b': 1} {'d': 3, 'b': 1, 'c': 2, 'a': 0} {'d': 3, 'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2} {'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2, 'd': 3} 

The cause is hinted at from this part of python -h output:

Other environment variables: ... PYTHONHASHSEED: if this variable is set to 'random', a random value is used    to seed the hashes of str, bytes and datetime objects.  It can also be    set to an integer in the range [0,4294967295] to get hash values with a    predictable seed. 

This is a half-baked "security fix", intended to help prevent DOS attacks based on constructing dict inputs designed to provoke quadratic-time behavior. "random" is the default in Python3.

You can turn that off by setting the envar PYTHONHASHSEED to an integer (your choice - pick 0 if you don't care). Then iterating a dict with string keys will produce them in the same order across runs.

As @AlcariTheMad said in a comment, you can enable the Python3 default behavior under Python 2 via python -R ....

like image 84
Tim Peters Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 18:09

Tim Peters