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Why is R slow on this random permutation function?

I am new to R (Revolution Analytics R) and have been translating some Matlab functions into R.

Question: Why is the function GRPdur(n) so slow?

GRPdur = function(n){
# Durstenfeld's Permute algorithm, CACM 1964
# generates a random permutation of {1,2,...n}
p=1:n                           # start with identity p
for (k in seq(n,2,-1)){    
    r    = 1+floor(runif(1)*k); # random integer between 1 and k
    tmp  = p[k];
    p[k] = p[r];                #  Swap(p(r),p(k)).
    p[r] = tmp;                  

Here is what I get on a Dell Precision 690, 2xQuadcore Xeon 5345 @ 2.33 GHz, Windows 7 64-bit:

> system.time(GRPdur(10^6))
   user  system elapsed 
  15.30    0.00   15.32 
> system.time(sample(10^6))
   user  system elapsed 
   0.03    0.00    0.03 

Here is what I get in Matlab 2011b

>> tic;p = GRPdur(10^6);disp(toc)

 tic;p = randperm(10^6);disp(toc)

Here is what I get in Matlab 2008a

>> tic;p=GRPdur(10^6);toc
Elapsed time is 0.124169 seconds.
>> tic;p=randperm(10^6);toc
Elapsed time is 0.211372 seconds.

LINKS : GRPdur is part of RPGlab, a package of Matlab functions that I wrote that generates and tests various random permutation generators. The notes can be viewed separately here: Notes on RPGlab.

The original Durstenfeld Algol program is here

like image 583
Derek O'Connor Avatar asked Jan 14 '12 18:01

Derek O'Connor

3 Answers

Both Matlab and S (later R) started out as thin wrappers around FORTRAN functions for doing math stuff.

In S/R the for-loops have "always" been slow, but that has been OK because there are usually vectorized ways of expressing the problem. Also, R has thousands of functions in Fortran or C that do higher-level things quickly. For instance, the sample function which does exactly what your for-loop does - but much more quickly.

So why then is MATLAB much better at executing scripted for-loops? Two simple reasons: RESOURCES and PRIORITIES.

MathWorks who make MATLAB is a rather big company with around 2000 employees. They decided years ago to prioritize improving the performance of scripts. They hired a bunch of compiler experts and spent years developing a Just-In-Time compiler (JIT) that takes the script code and turns it into assembler code. They did a very good job too. Kudos to them!

R is open source, and the R core team works on improving R in their spare time. Luke Tierney of R core has worked hard and developed a compiler package for R that compiles R scripts to byte code. It does NOT turn it into assembler code however, but works pretty well. Kudos to him!

...But the amount of effort put into the R compiler vs. the MATLAB compiler is simply much less, and therefore the result is slower:

system.time(GRPdur(10^6)) # 9.50 secs

# Compile the function...
f <- compiler::cmpfun(GRPdur)
system.time(f(10^6)) # 3.69 secs

As you can see, the for-loop became 3x faster by compiling it to byte code. Another difference is that the R JIT compiler is not enabled by default as it is in MATLAB.

UPDATE Just for the record, a slightly more optimized R version (based on Knuth's algorithm), where the random generation has been vectorized as @joran suggested:

f <- function(n) {
  p <- integer(n)
  p[1] <- 1L
  rv <- runif(n, 1, 1:n) # random integer between 1 and k
  for (k in 2:n) {    
    r <- rv[k]
    p[k] = p[r]         #  Swap(p(r),p(k)).
    p[r] = k
g <- compiler::cmpfun(f)
system.time(f(1e6)) # 4.84
system.time(g(1e6)) # 0.98

# Compare to Joran's version:
system.time(GRPdur1(10^6)) # 6.43
system.time(GRPdur2(10^6)) # 1.66

...still a magnitude slower than MATLAB. But again, just use sample or sample.int which apparently beats MATLAB's randperm by 3x!

system.time(sample.int(10^6)) # 0.03
like image 178
Tommy Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09


Because you wrote a c-program in an R-skin

n = 10^6L
p = 1:n
system.time( sample(p,n))
0.03    0.00    0.03
like image 32
Dieter Menne Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09

Dieter Menne

Responding to the OP's request was too long to fit in a comment, so here's what I was referring to:

#Create r outside for loop
GRPdur1 <- function(n){
    p <- 1:n                          
    k <- seq(n,2,-1)
    r <- 1 + floor(runif(length(k)) * k)
    for (i in 1:length(k)){    
        tmp <- p[k[i]];
        p[k[i]] <- p[r[i]];                
        p[r[i]] <- tmp;                  

GRPdur2 <- cmpfun(GRPdur1)

out1 <- GRPdur(100)

out2 <- GRPdur1(100)

#Check the GRPdur1 is generating the identical output

   user  system elapsed 
 12.948   0.389  13.232 
   user  system elapsed 
 1.908   0.018   1.910

Not quite 10x, but more than the 3x Tommy showed just using the compiler. For a somewhat more accurate timing:

benchmark(GRPdur(10^6),GRPdur2(10^6),replications = 10)
           test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self 
1  GRPdur(10^6)           10 127.315 6.670946   124.358    3.656         
2 GRPdur2(10^6)           10  19.085 1.000000    19.040    0.222

So the 10x comment was (perhaps not surprisingly, being based on a single system.time run) optimistic, but the vectorization gains you a fair bit more speed over what the byte compiler does.

like image 36
joran Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09
