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Why is ON DELETE SET NULL still not implemented in the Entity Framework 6? Is there a snag?

It still is not possible to configure a relation with the ON DELETE SET NULL rule using Entity Framework code first. As a workaround you have to load all the related entities in memory and then on deletion of the parent entity EF will issue SQL commands to set their foreign keys to Null.

This, while it is trivial to implement this yourself using something like:

protected override void Seed(Context context) {     context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("ALTER TABLE dbo.Guests DROP CONSTRAINT Guest_PreferredLanguage");     context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("ALTER TABLE dbo.Guests ADD CONSTRAINT Guest_PreferredLanguage FOREIGN KEY (LanguageID) REFERENCES dbo.Languages(LanguageID) ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE SET NULL"); } 

(Example take from this post.)

I can see no problems with this approach: Loaded child entities will remain in sync with the database because EF will update (set to null) their foreign keys and Reference properties, and that other records in the database are affected does no harm as they have not been loaded anyway.

So, why is this feature still missing then? Is there some hidden snag?

like image 977
Dabblernl Avatar asked Jan 05 '14 09:01


People also ask

Can set null be used with on delete command?

SET NULL. It is used in conjunction with ON DELETE or ON UPDATE. It means that the child data is set to NULL when the parent data is deleted or updated.

What is on delete Set null?

What is a foreign key with "Set NULL on Delete" in Oracle? A foreign key with "set null on delete" means that if a record in the parent table is deleted, then the corresponding records in the child table will have the foreign key fields set to null. The records in the child table will not be deleted.

How do I delete data in Entity Framework?

Delete a Record In Connected Scenario, you can use the Remove or RemoveRange method to mark the record as Deleted . In Disconnected Scenario, you can attach it to the context and set its state as Deleted . Calling SaveChanges will send the delete query to the database.

1 Answers

The feature is probably not implemented because normally changes only affect the objects which are actually in the unit of work. Cascades are not scalable.

And I also think soft deletes are better in most cases. Maybe thats something for you?

You might also want to look into Domain Driven design. That also covers the correct use of units of work (with aggregates).

Btw your solution edits the database in the seed method. It might be better to do that a Up() method of a migration.

like image 132
Wouter Schut Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 18:10

Wouter Schut