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Why is my spring boot stateless filter being called twice?

I'm trying to implement stateless token-based authentication on a rest api I've developed using Spring Boot. The idea is that the client includes a JWT token with any request, and a filter extracts this from the request, and sets up the SecurityContext with a relevant Authentication object based on the contents of the token. The request is then routed as normal, and secured using @PreAuthorize on the mapped method.

My security config is as follows :

@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

private JWTTokenAuthenticationService authenticationService;

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception
        .headers().addHeaderWriter(new XFrameOptionsHeaderWriter(XFrameOptionsMode.SAMEORIGIN))
        .addFilterBefore(new StatelessAuthenticationFilter(authenticationService), UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class);

With the stateless filter that extends GenericFilterBean defined as follows :

public class StatelessAuthenticationFilter extends GenericFilterBean {

    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(StatelessAuthenticationFilter.class);

    private JWTTokenAuthenticationService authenticationservice;

    public StatelessAuthenticationFilter(JWTTokenAuthenticationService authenticationService)
        this.authenticationservice = authenticationService;

    public void doFilter(   ServletRequest request,
                            ServletResponse response,
                            FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {

        HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
        Authentication authentication = authenticationservice.getAuthentication(httpRequest);

        logger.info("===== Security Context before request =====");
        logger.info("Request for: " + httpRequest.getRequestURI());

        chain.doFilter(request, response);

        logger.info("===== Security Context after request =====");
        logger.info("Request for: " + httpRequest.getRequestURI());


And the endpoint defined like this :

@RequestMapping (   value="/api/attachments/{attachmentId}/{fileName:.+}",
                    method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<byte[]> getAttachedDocumentEndpoint(@PathVariable String attachmentId, @PathVariable String fileName)
    logger.info("GET called for /attachments/" + attachmentId + "/" + fileName);

    // do something to get the file, and return ResponseEntity<byte[]> object

When doing a GET on /api/attachments/someattachment/somefilename, including the token, I can see that the filter is being invoked twice, once apparently with the token, and once without. But the restcontroller mapped to the request is only called once.

[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,465] [JWTTokenAuthenticationService] getAuthentication - Getting authentication based on token supplied in HTTP Header
[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,473] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilter - ===== Security Context before request =====
[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,473] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilter - Request for: /api/attachments/1674b08b6bbd54a6efaff4a780001a9e/jpg.png
[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,474] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilter - Name:iser, Principal:user, isAuthenticated:true, grantedAuthorites:[user]
[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,474] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilter - ===========================================
[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,476] [AttachmentRESTController] getAttachedDocumentEndpoint - GET called for /api/attachments/1674b08b6bbd54a6efaff4a780001a9e/jpg.png
[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,477] [AttachmentDBController] getAttachment - getAttachment method called with attachmentId:1674b08b6bbd54a6efaff4a780001a9e , and fileName:jpg.png
[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,483] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilter - ===== Security Context after request =====
[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,484] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilter - Request for: /api/attachments/1674b08b6bbd54a6efaff4a780001a9e/jpg.png
[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,484] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilter - 
[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,484] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilter - ===========================================
[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,507] [JWTTokenAuthenticationService] getAuthentication - No token supplied in HTTP Header
[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,507] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilter - ===== Security Context before request =====
[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,507] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilter - Request for: /api/attachments/1674b08b6bbd54a6efaff4a780001a9e/jpg.png
[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,507] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilter - 
[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,508] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilter - ===========================================
[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,508] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilter - ===== Security Context after request =====
[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,508] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilter - Request for: /api/attachments/1674b08b6bbd54a6efaff4a780001a9e/jpg.png
[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,508] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilter - 
[INFO] [06-04-2015 12:26:44,508] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilter - ===========================================

What's going on here ?

Edit :

It's even stranger than I first thought - implementing a simple endpoint that just returns a simple message displays the expected behaviour - it's seems like only when I try to return data as a ResponseEntity as above does this problem occur.

Endpoint :

public String userHelloWorld()
    return "Hello Secure User World";

Output, showing single call to filter (with extra debug on):

[INFO] [06-04-2015 19:43:25,831] [JWTTokenAuthenticationService] getAuthentication - Getting authentication based on token supplied in HTTP Header
[INFO] [06-04-2015 19:43:25,844] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilterInternal - ===== Security Context before request =====
[INFO] [06-04-2015 19:43:25,844] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilterInternal - Request for: /api/userHelloWorld
[INFO] [06-04-2015 19:43:25,844] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilterInternal - Response = null 200
[INFO] [06-04-2015 19:43:25,844] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilterInternal - Name:user, Principal:user, isAuthenticated:true, grantedAuthorites:[user]
[INFO] [06-04-2015 19:43:25,845] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilterInternal - ===========================================
[DEBUG] [06-04-2015 19:43:25,845] [DispatcherServlet] doService - DispatcherServlet with name 'dispatcherServlet' processing GET request for [/api/userHelloWorld]
[DEBUG] [06-04-2015 19:43:25,847] [AbstractHandlerMethodMapping] getHandlerInternal - Looking up handler method for path /api/userHelloWorld
[DEBUG] [06-04-2015 19:43:25,848] [AbstractHandlerMethodMapping] getHandlerInternal - Returning handler method [public java.lang.String RESTController.userHelloWorld()]
[DEBUG] [06-04-2015 19:43:25,849] [DispatcherServlet] doDispatch - Last-Modified value for [/api/userHelloWorld] is: -1
[DEBUG] [06-04-2015 19:43:25,851] [AbstractMessageConverterMethodProcessor] writeWithMessageConverters - Written [Hello Secure User World] as "text/plain;charset=UTF-8" using [org.springframework.http.converter.StringHttpMessageConverter@3eaf6fe7]
[DEBUG] [06-04-2015 19:43:25,852] [DispatcherServlet] processDispatchResult - Null ModelAndView returned to DispatcherServlet with name 'dispatcherServlet': assuming HandlerAdapter completed request handling
[DEBUG] [06-04-2015 19:43:25,852] [FrameworkServlet] processRequest - Successfully completed request
[INFO] [06-04-2015 19:43:25,852] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilterInternal - ===== Security Context after request =====
[INFO] [06-04-2015 19:43:25,853] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilterInternal - Request for: /api/userHelloWorld
[INFO] [06-04-2015 19:43:25,853] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilterInternal - Response = text/plain;charset=UTF-8 200
[INFO] [06-04-2015 19:43:25,853] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilterInternal - 
[INFO] [06-04-2015 19:43:25,853] [StatelessAuthenticationFilter] doFilterInternal - ===========================================
like image 765
Ric Avatar asked Jun 04 '15 11:06


People also ask

How does filter work in spring boot?

In Spring boot, we have filters to filter the HTTP request; filter, in general, is used to intercept the request, i.e. HTTP request and the response from the client-side. By the use of a filter, we can perform two operations which can be done on response and request.

What is stateless in Spring Security?

Stateless, in this context, means that we don't store any information about the logged-in user in memory. However, we still need to store information about the logged-in user somewhere and associate it with a client.

What is filter chain in spring boot?

Spring Security maintains a filter chain internally where each of the filters has a particular responsibility and filters are added or removed from the configuration depending on which services are required. The ordering of the filters is important as there are dependencies between them.

2 Answers

It is a part of filters that has still some black magic for me (*), but I know that this is a common problem, and Spring has a subclass of GenericFilterBean specially for dealing with it : just use OncePerRequestFilter as base class and your filter should be called only once.

(*) I've read it could be caused by the request being dispatched multiple times via the request dispatcher

like image 146
Serge Ballesta Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 03:10

Serge Ballesta

Okay - so this is pretty ridiculous, but it seems like it's an issue with the way I was invoking the request (via the POSTMAN Chrome Extension)

Postman seems to fire in 2 requests, one with headers, one without. There's an open bug report describing this here : https://github.com/a85/POSTMan-Chrome-Extension/issues/615

The behaviour is not seen if the request is invoked using curl, or just straight from the browser.

like image 39
Ric Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 02:10
