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Why is my Model object always null on my Razor Page in dotnet core 2.x Razor Page app?

I'm creating a Partial View as a part of my Index.cshtml. I am following the basics outlined in the Microsoft article => https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/mvc/views/partial?view=aspnetcore-2.1

The summary of it is that I'm : Adding a span to my Index.cshtml file which is actually loaded with the HTML from a Razor Page. The relevant HTML in Index.cshtml looks like the following:

<span id="basicView">
        Model.UserName = "IndexUser";
        await Html.RenderPartialAsync("BasicPartial", Model);

I have added public property to my IndexModel named UserName in the RazorPage and it looks like the following:

namespace FirstCore.Pages
    public class IndexModel : PageModel

        public string UserName;
        public void OnGet()


It is kept very simple for this example. So, in the HTML in the Index.cshtml you can see that I set the value of that public property to "IndexUser" and then I pass the name of the Razor Page ("BasicPartial" - View) and the Model object to the BasicaPartial Razor Page.

The BasicPartial page is very simple -- was generated from the Visual Studio 2017 template - Add...Razor Page... The entire things looks like:

@model IndexModel
    For more information on enabling MVC for empty projects, visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=397860
<div>This is the text and the user name is @(Model.UserName).</div>

Actually, the only important part is the and the place where I'm reading the property value of UserName out of the passed in Model. You can see I've also defined the @model as an IndexModel at the top.

The Main Problem - Model is ALWAYS Null

When I run this very simple example. The application tells me that the Model object is null.

Model is null

You may believe that it is the UserName that is null, but if I put a very simple directive at the top like


Then it tells me that Model is null, even though I know I'm passing it in.

Do you know why it is null?

like image 819
raddevus Avatar asked Apr 25 '18 13:04


People also ask

What is @model in razor page?

It is a self-contained class that represents the data and behaviour of a specific "view" or page. The view model pattern is used extensively in MVC application development, where it mainly represents data, but typically little behaviour. In Razor Pages, the PageModel is also the view model.

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The OnPostAsync handler method calls the Page helper method. Page returns an instance of PageResult. Returning Page is similar to how actions in controllers return View . PageResult is the default return type for a handler method. A handler method that returns void renders the page.

What is cshtml page?

A CSHTML file is a C# HTML webpage file used by Razor, an ASP.NET view engine that generates webpages. It is similar to a standard ASP.NET webpage (. ASP or .

How do razor pages work?

Razor Pages focus on page-based scenarios for building web applications rather than using controllers and views like a traditional ASP.NET MVC application. Once the application receives an HTTP request, it moves through the middleware pipeline until it reaches a middleware component that can handle and process it.

1 Answers

If I make one change to the BasicPartial.cshtml file then the Model is no longer null.

All I have to do is remove the @page directive so the BasicPartial.cshtml file now looks like the following:

@model IndexModel
    For more information on enabling MVC for empty projects, visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=397860
<div>This is the text and the user name is @(Model.UserName).</div>

Now it works perfectly. The Model object is a the valid object with the property value set as expected. (See highlighted text in the image below.)

model is no longer null

like image 72
raddevus Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09
