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Why is my Fortran code wrapped with f2py using so much memory?

I am trying to calculate all the distances between approximately a hundred thousand points. I have the following code written in Fortran and compiled using f2py:

C         1         2         3         4         5         6         7
        subroutine distances(coor,dist,n)
        double precision coor(n,3),dist(n,n)
        integer n
        double precision x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,diff2

cf2py intent(in) :: coor,dist
cf2py intent(in,out):: dist
cf2py intent(hide)::n
cf2py intent(hide)::x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,diff2

        do 200,i=1,n-1
            do 100,j=i+1,n
  100       continue
  200   continue


I am compiling the fortran code using the following python code setup_collision.py:

# System imports
from distutils.core import *
from distutils      import sysconfig

# Third-party modules
import numpy
from numpy.distutils.core import Extension, setup

# Obtain the numpy include directory.  This logic works across numpy versions.
    numpy_include = numpy.get_include()
except AttributeError:
    numpy_include = numpy.get_numpy_include()

# simple extension module
collision = Extension(name="collision",sources=['./collision.f'],
               include_dirs = [numpy_include],

# NumyTypemapTests setup
setup(  name        = "COLLISION",
        description = "Module calculates collision energies",
        author      = "Stvn66",
        version     = "0.1",
        ext_modules = [collision]

Then running it as follows:

import numpy as np
import collision

coor = np.loadtxt('coordinates.txt')
n_atoms = len(coor)
dist = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms), dtype=np.float16) # float16 reduces memory
n_dist = n_atoms*(n_atoms-1)/2
n_GB = n_dist * 2 / float(2**30) # 1 kB = 1024 B
n_Gb = n_dist * 2 / 1E9          # 1 kB = 1000 B
print 'calculating %d distances between %d atoms' % (n_dist, n_atoms)
print 'should use between %f and %f GB of memory' % (n_GB, n_Gb)
dist = collision.distances(coor, dist)

Using this code with 30,000 atoms, what should use around 1 GB of memory to store the distances, it instead uses 10 GB. With this difference, performing this calculation with 100,000 atoms will require 100 GB instead of 10 GB. I only have 20 GB in my computer.

Am I missing something related to passing the data between Python and Fortran? The huge difference indicates a major flaw in the implementation.

like image 930
Steven C. Howell Avatar asked May 12 '15 17:05

Steven C. Howell

People also ask

How does F2PY work?

How does F2PY work? F2PY works by creating an extension module that can be imported in Python using the import keyword. The module contains automatically generated wrapper functions that can be called from Python, acting as an interface between Python and the compiled Fortran routines.

What is F2PY in Python?

F2PY is a tool that provides an easy connection between Python and Fortran languages. F2PY is part of NumPy. F2PY creates extension modules from (handwritten or F2PY generated) signature files or directly from Fortran sources.

1 Answers

You are feeding double precision arrays to the Fortran subroutine. Each element in double precision requires 8 Byte of memory. For N=30,000 that makes

coor(n,3) => 30,000*3*8 ~ 0.7 MB
dist(n,n) => 30,000^2*8 ~ 6.7 GB

Since the half precision floats are additionally required for Python, that accounts for another 1-2GB. So the overall requirement is 9-10GB.

The same holds true for N=100,000, which will require ~75GB for the Fortran part alone.

Instead of double precision floats, you should use single precision reals - if that is sufficient for your calculations. This will lead to half the memory requirements. [I have no experience with that, but I assume that if both parts use the same precision, Python can operate on the data directly...]

As @VladimirF noted in his comment, "usual compilers do not support 2 byte reals". I checked with gfortran and ifort, and they both do not. So you need to use at least single precision.

like image 81
Alexander Vogt Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 14:09

Alexander Vogt