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Why is my for loop stopping after one iteration?

Racking my brains on this one. I have the code below: the first stages of a JavaScript game. All the objects are well-defined and I'm using jQuery for DOM interaction. The puzzle is created with the following JS code:

var mypuzzle = new puzzle("{solution:'5+6+89',equations:[['5+3=8',23,23],['5+1=6',150,23],['5+3=6',230,23]]}");

However, the loop at the bottom of the code won't go further than the first iteration. Any idea why? No errors are thrown at all.

function equationBox(equation, top, left) {//draggable equation box
    this.reposition = function() {
        this.top = 0;
        this.left = 0;
    this.top = 0;//make random
    this.left = 0;//make random
    this.equation = equation;
    if(top && left) {
        this.top = top; 
        this.left = left;
    this.content = this.equation.LHS.string + '<span> = </span>' + this.equation.RHS.string;
    this.DOM = $('<li>').html(this.content);

function puzzle(json) {

    this.addEquationBox = function(equationBox) {
        $('#puzzle #equations').append(equationBox.DOM);

    this.init = function() {
        this.json = JSON.parse(json);
        this.solution = new expression(this.json.solution || '');
        this.equations = this.json.equations || [];
        var iterations = this.equations.length;
            this.addEquationBox(new equationBox(stringToEquation(this.equations[i][0]),this.equations[i][1], this.equations[i][2])); 
like image 419
wheresrhys Avatar asked Aug 27 '09 13:08


1 Answers

Possibly your failure to scope your counter variable is doing it, especially if you make a habit of it (since you're using the global variable of that name, and any loops you wrote in any code you're calling may be doing the same thing). Try:

for(var i=0;i<iterations;i++)
like image 81
chaos Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10
