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Why is my flask-sqlalchemy delete query failing

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How do I delete records in Flask-SQLAlchemy?

To delete a record by id in Python Flask-SQLAlchemy, we can call the session delete method. to call session. delete to mark obj1 and obj2 to be deleted. And then we call session.

How do I delete a SQLAlchemy database?

Delete table elements in SQLAlchemy. Get the books table from the Metadata object initialized while connecting to the database. Pass the delete query to the execute() function and get all the results using fetchall() function.

What function from the Session object is used to delete items in SQLAlchemy?

delete() is invoked upon an object and the Session is flushed, the row is deleted from the database.

How does the querying work with SQLAlchemy?

Python Flask and SQLAlchemy ORM All SELECT statements generated by SQLAlchemy ORM are constructed by Query object. It provides a generative interface, hence successive calls return a new Query object, a copy of the former with additional criteria and options associated with it.

You need to use one of options for bulk delete


Basically, SQLAlchemy maintains the session in Python as you issue various SQLAlchemy methods. When you delete entries, how will SQLAlchemy remove any removed rows from the session? This is controlled by a parameter to the delete method, "synchronize_session". synchronize_session has three possible:

  • 'evaluate': it evaluates the produced query directly in Python to determine the objects that need to be removed from the session. This is the default and is very efficient, but is not very robust and complicated queries cannot be be evaluated. If it can't evaluate the query, it raises the sqlalchemy.orm.evaluator.UnevaluatableError condition
  • 'fetch': this performs a select query before the delete and uses that result to determine which objects in the session need to be removed. This is less efficient (potential much less efficient) but will be able to handle any valid query
  • False: this doesn't attempt to update the session, so it's very efficient, however if you continue to use the session after the delete you may get inaccurate results.

Which option you use is very dependent on how your code uses the session. In most simple queries where you just need to delete rows based on a complicated query, False should work fine. (the example in the question fits this scenario)

SQLAlchemy Delete Method Reference

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