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Why is my custom jQuery `change` event being triggered twice?

I am trying to make a jQuery-compatible composite HTML input.

In this example when either select changes, the alert is invoked twice. Why?

Given a simple container node:

<span id="x"></span>

Here is a fully working demo:

function el (type) {
    return document .createElement (type);

function opt (sel, value) {
    let node = el ('option');
    node .value = value;
    node .appendChild (document .createTextNode (value));
    sel .appendChild (node);

let x = document .getElementById ('x');
let a = el ('select');
let b = el ('select');

x .appendChild (a);
x .appendChild (b);

opt (a, 'a_1');
opt (a, 'a_2');
opt (b, 'b_1');
opt (b, 'b_2');

$(a) .change (function () {$(x) .trigger ('change');});
$(b) .change (function () {$(x) .trigger ('change');});

$(x) .change (function () {alert ('changed');});
like image 725
spraff Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 02:10


1 Answers

Its because when you are change value in dropdown it change parent evelement drom structure. it means you are changing value of A an B it patent of A and B is X so it change automatically so you have to stop event propagation

you have to remove below code

$(a) .change (function () {$(x) .trigger ('change');});
$(b) .change (function () {$(x) .trigger ('change');});

or you have to use preventDefault();

$(a) .change (function (e) {e.preventDefault(); $(x) .trigger ('change'); return false; });
$(b) .change (function (e) {e.preventDefault(); $(x) .trigger ('change'); return false; });
like image 103
Haresh Vidja Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11

Haresh Vidja