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Why is my Chrome Extension grayed out?


A chrome extension I wrote is grayed out, and I can't figure out why.


I wrote and submitted a Chrome Extension called Pull Favors to the Chrome webstore.

It uses the CSS order property to sort and group GitHub Pull-Requests in a logical way.

The other day I noticed that several of my extensions were grayed out, and 'blocked'--meaning they no longer work. One of these was Pull Favors.

According to this support article:

If you see a message saying "Extensions Disabled," it's because Chrome has turned off one or more of your extensions to keep your data safe while you're browsing the Internet. The extensions that Chrome turned off either didn't come from the Chrome Web Store or were installed without your permission."

My extension is published in the Chrome webstore and was certainly installed with my permission.

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling to no avail.

I suspect there's something wrong with my extension (since a few other extensions seem to still work), but I can't figure out what it is or find anything about it on the internet.

What's going on?


Chrome seems to have implemented a new policy in November 2013, which has caused some uproar in the community, which prevents Windows users from installing extensions from outside the web store.

I'm not sure why this is affecting me, as I'm an OS X user and, as I said, my extension is distributed through the webstore.

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FreePender Avatar asked Mar 17 '16 00:03


People also ask

Why is my Google Chrome extension not working?

Reinstall Extension If disabling and re-enabling the extensions didn't work, you can take it a step further and reinstall them. Follow these steps to reinstall an extension in Google Chrome: Open the Chrome menu. Click More tools > Extensions.

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Click the Chrome puzzle icon in the upper right of the browser toolbar. From this menu you can select extensions to enable/disable.

How do I unblock a Chrome extension?

Navigate to Apps & Extensions. Select the target OU. Select the USERS & BROWSERS tab at the top of the page. Ensure the proper setting for Allow users to install other apps & extensions is set to your desired configuration.

1 Answers

Add browser_action.default_icon in your manifest.json file


  "browser_action": {
    "default_icon": "icons/icon-32.png"



enter image description here


enter image description here

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Jossef Harush Kadouri Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10

Jossef Harush Kadouri