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Why is Logcat called LogCAT [closed]

I know how to use Logcat and what it is usefull for but I am wondering why Logcat is called Logcat. The log- part is obvious but the -cat part is not.

Anyone have any idea?

like image 921
Philippe Creytens Avatar asked Dec 10 '22 13:12

Philippe Creytens

1 Answers

Probably after Unix utility called cat - see the manual here: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/cat.1.html

The name cat is a short for concatenate, as the tool can be used to join multiple files.

The cat tool is used frequently to e.g. show a file content on standard output (console). It's even common to call this operation to cat the file. I guess that's why we have logcat - it cats the log to standard output.

like image 190
Code Painters Avatar answered Feb 22 '23 23:02

Code Painters