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Why is jython slow? [closed]

Jython performance is generally critized as slow --- is there a particular reason for this? Or is this just a modern myth? And most importantly, what is the future of Jython and how aggressively is it being developed? Will the ability to script in python against the JVM ever be performant enough for mainstream usage?

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jayunit100 Avatar asked Oct 17 '11 05:10


1 Answers

Jython 2.5.2 was released in March and featured as part of its release notes 2.5.2 Release Notes some performance gains that it 2.5.2 runs the richards benchmark 3x faster and the pystone benchmark 20% faster than 2.5.1.

Here is a recent benchmark of jython 2.5.2 running on jvm 7 where jython is slower than Pypy but faster than Cpython. Take from it what you will Benchmarks

Its at the point where it's more than viable to be using and there are some new cool projects like Sikuli that demonstrate its power.

I searched for recent speed comparisons with Jruby but didn't find anymore recent comparisons than 2008/2009.

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sayth Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 04:09
