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Why is it a compile error to assign the address of an array to a pointer "my_pointer = &my_array"?




int my_array[5] = {0};
int *my_pointer = 0;

my_pointer = &my_array;  // compiler error
my_pointer = my_array;   // ok

If my_array is address of array then what does &my_array gives me?

I get the following compiler error:

error: cannot convert 'int (*)[5]' to 'int*' in assignment

like image 851
user74564 Avatar asked May 10 '11 21:05


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1 Answers

my_array is the name of an array of 5 integers. The compiler will happily convert it to a pointer to a single integer.

&my_array is a pointer to an array of 5 integers. The compiler will not treat an array of integers as a single integer, thus it refuses to make the conversion.

like image 128
Mark Ransom Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10

Mark Ransom