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Why is "import" a statement but "reload" a function?



I know how to use both, but I'm curious why the decision was made to make one a statement and the other a function.

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user2229219 Avatar asked Apr 25 '16 13:04


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1 Answers

First of all you can import using a function, from importlib's documentation:

The __import__() function
The import statement is syntactic sugar for this function.

for instance both of these statements are equivalent:

from random import randint as random_int

random_int = __import__("random").randint

However the import statement greatly benefits from alternate syntax where as reload does not really have any alternate meaning.

I can also imagine a lot of beginner programmers making this mistake if reload was it's own statement:

from random import *
reload random #does not affect the current namespace!

Since the reload function requires a module (which is not preduced with from _ import *) coders may wonder why the names imported are not reloaded. related to this answer

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Tadhg McDonald-Jensen Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 07:10

Tadhg McDonald-Jensen