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Why is Grails (in Tomcat) logging to both catalina.out and my custom file appender?

I have the following for my log4j DSL configuration in Grails 1.2:

log4j = {
    appenders {
        console name: 'stdout', layout: pattern(conversionPattern: conversionPattern)

        environments {
            production {
                // ... some code to determine file path ...

                rollingFile name: 'file', file: "${logDirectory}/${appName}.log", layout: pattern(conversionPattern: conversionPattern)
                rollingFile name: 'StackTrace', file: "${logDirectory}/${appName}-stacktrace.log"

    environments {
        development { root { warn 'stdout' } }
        test { root { warn 'stdout' } }
        production { root { error 'file' } }

    // ... package-specific logging configurations ...

When I deploy as a war to Tomcat, my logs get written to both catalina.out and my 'file' logger defined for production.

I've tried:

  • adding additivity = false to the root {} definition for production {}, which doesn't work (and I wouldn't really expect it to, since it's apparently setting additivity for the root logger itself?).
  • defining the 'stdout' console appender inside of a development {} and test {} block within the appenders {} closure, but that doesn't work either.

Perhaps this is an issue with my Tomcat configuration and not my log4j DSL? The closest I've come to finding someone with a similar issue is this mailing-list thread, for which there was no (simple) solution.

How can I prevent logs from being written to catalina.out in production?

like image 251
Rob Hruska Avatar asked Mar 09 '10 17:03

Rob Hruska

People also ask

What is Catalina out file in Tomcat?

The catalina.out log messages and log files communicate events and conditions that affect Tomcat server's operations. Logs for all identity applications components including OSP and Identity Reporting are also logged to the catalina.out file.

2 Answers

I was able to work around the issue by doing the following in Config.groovy:

import org.apache.log4j.Logger

log4j = {
    // ... configuration from question ...

environments {
    production {
        def logger = Logger.getRootLogger()

However, this feels like a dirty hack, and I'm hoping there's a better, Grails log4j DSL-specific way to do this.

Also, anything the application might happen to write to stdout will probably not get written, which might be a bad thing if there are logs/exceptions/stacktraces being somehow written directly to stdout.

like image 126
Rob Hruska Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 01:11

Rob Hruska

In grails 2.4.5 you can define a 'null' appender for stdout


log4j = {
    appenders {
        'null' name: 'stdout'
like image 26
Nico Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 01:11
