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Why is django's development automatic static file server not suitable for production?

As stated in: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/static-files/

When DEBUG is set to True, the server automatically serves the static file, but it states:

This method is grossly inefficient and probably insecure, so it is unsuitable for production.

But what exactly is inefficient and insecure about it? I just have a small-ish project on Heroku that I haven't set to "production" mode yet and I'm wondering what are the exact downsides.

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dl8 Avatar asked Nov 05 '13 05:11


People also ask

Can Django serve static files in production?

During development, as long as you have DEBUG set to TRUE and you're using the staticfiles app, you can serve up static files using Django's development server. You don't even need to run the collecstatic command.

Which built in Django app provides static file processing functionality?

In a production environment it is more efficient to combine all static files in the Django project into one location and serve that a single time. Django comes with a built-in management command, collectstatic, that does this for us.

What is the difference between media and static files in Django?

Static files are meant for javascript/images etc, but media files are for user-uploaded content.

2 Answers

Performance related reasons:

  • web servers are orders of magnitude better at serving static files.
  • AFAIK the development server is mono-threaded and can respond only one request at time, concurrent requests will block (most browsers make 4 concurrent requests trying to download assets in parallel).

Security related reasons:

  • using the app to serve static content is overkill (simplification is good for security)
  • the developers like to be on the safe side, so it is kind of a disclaimer
  • debug mode exposes a lot of information about the server

Django started in the news publishing industry where in general there is enough traffic to justify serving static content from a dedicated web server, probably the original developers have a bias for this arrangement.

That said, there are projects that replace the default development server by a more robust implementation based on gunicorn or tornado.

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Paulo Scardine Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 14:09

Paulo Scardine

Kenneth (the author of requests, employed by Heroku) has a different opinion (source):

In reality, serving static files through Python/Django is fine for production — those requests are no different than dynamic ones.

Performance will be fantastic, but not as good as nginx.

If you're that heavily concerned about efficiency then you shouldn't be hosting those files on your server anyway, you'd be pushing them to an CDN like S3+Cloudfront and the like.

Another benefit to this approach is development:production parity.

And on heroku, you can't use Nginx to server static files, actually you can't do it on most other PaaS too, I got the same problem on cloud foundry last year. But there is a workaround:

On Heroku, your application directly responds to HTTP requests, instead of going through an additional web server like Apache or Nginx.

We recommend most applications serve their assets strait from Django or a CDN.

Django doesn't recommend serving static files in production because of the design of its static file handler.

Luckily, there is a library called DJ-Static which makes uses a production-ready WSGI asset server.

I've written up a guide for Django and Static Assets here: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/django-assets

Read the following discussions for more details:

Serving static files for a Django app

serving static files via gunicorn

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Leonardo.Z Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 16:09
