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Why is creating a class in Python so much slower than instantiating a class?

I found that creation of a class is way slower than instantiation of a class.

>>> from timeit import Timer as T >>> def calc(n): ...     return T("class Haha(object): pass").timeit(n)  <<After several these 'calc' things, at least one of them have a big number, eg. 100000>>  >>> calc(9000) 15.947055101394653 >>> calc(9000) 17.39099097251892 >>> calc(9000) 18.824054956436157 >>> calc(9000) 20.33335590362549 

Yeah, create 9000 classes took 16 secs, and becomes even slower in the subsequent calls.

And this:

>>> T("type('Haha', b, d)", "b = (object, ); d = {}").timeit(9000) 

gives similar results.

But instantiation don't suffer:

>>> T("Haha()", "class Haha(object): pass").timeit(5000000) 0.8786070346832275 

5000000 instances in less than one sec.

What makes the creation this expensive?

And why the creation process become slower?


How to reproduce:

start a fresh python process, the initial several "calc(10000)"s give a number of 0.5 on my machine. And try some bigger values, calc(100000), it can't end in even 10secs, interrupt it, and calc(10000), gives a 15sec.


Additional fact:

If you gc.collect() after 'calc' becomes slow, you can get the 'normal' speed at beginning, but the timing will increasing in subsequent calls

>>> from a import calc >>> calc(10000) 0.4673938751220703 >>> calc(10000) 0.4300072193145752 >>> calc(10000) 0.4270968437194824 >>> calc(10000) 0.42754602432250977 >>> calc(10000) 0.4344758987426758 >>> calc(100000) ^CTraceback (most recent call last):   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>   File "a.py", line 3, in calc     return T("class Haha(object): pass").timeit(n)   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/timeit.py", line 194, in timeit     timing = self.inner(it, self.timer)   File "<timeit-src>", line 6, in inner KeyboardInterrupt >>> import gc >>> gc.collect() 234204 >>> calc(10000) 0.4237039089202881 >>> calc(10000) 1.5998330116271973 >>> calc(10000) 4.136359930038452 >>> calc(10000) 6.625348806381226 
like image 644
Proton Avatar asked Apr 09 '12 11:04


People also ask

Are classes slower in Python?

No. In general you will not notice any difference in performance based on using classes or not. The different code structures implied may mean that one is faster than the other, but it's impossible to say which. Always write code to be read, then if, and only if, it's not fast enough make it faster.

What happens when you instantiate a class in python?

Instantiating a class is creating a copy of the class which inherits all class variables and methods. Instantiating a class in Python is simple. To instantiate a class, we simply call the class as if it were a function, passing the arguments that the __init__ method defines.

Do classes slow down code?

So, the short answer is NO, public does not slow down your code.

1 Answers

This might give you the intuition:

>>> class Haha(object): pass ... >>> sys.getsizeof(Haha) 904 >>> sys.getsizeof(Haha()) 64 

Class object is much more complex and expensive structure than an instance of that class.

like image 196
Roman Bodnarchuk Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 23:10

Roman Bodnarchuk