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Why is content of the inline-block affects its position in the container [duplicate]

Here's a fiddle that shows my code in action

The result seems crazy to me: in Chrome second button is slightly above the first. In Firefox it is slightly below.

<div id="accounts">
  <button class="account">
     <h1>VISA Card</h1>
     <span class="balance">-433.18</span>
  <button class="account">
     <h1 class="plus"><i class="icon icon-plus-sign"></i></h1>
     <span class="plus-text">Add Account</span>

What is even more confusing is that padding on the h1.plus affects the position of the whole div.

What is going on here? I want two buttons to show up on the same line and simply don't undestand why they aren't. Is this a bug in the rendering engine?

UPDATE: Narendra suggested an easy fix - float:left the buttons. I want to figure out why this misalignment happening in the first place.

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Paul Avatar asked Jun 27 '13 03:06


1 Answers

You are using display:inline-block, so the buttons are aligned by their vertical-align property, which defaults to baseline.

This is a diagram from the specs which illustrates exactly that:

enter image description here

You can see in the first two boxes how padding and the font size of the content influence the positioning.

As a fix, use vertical-align: top or bottom, or even middle.

Edit: The image is from the table section and the situation is slighty different for inline-blocks.

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user123444555621 Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 08:09
