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Why is complexity of DFS is O(V^2) in adjacency matrix and O(V+E) in adjacency list representation?



Why DFS algorithm is having O(V2) compelxity in adjacency matrix representation and O(V+E) in adjacency list representations.

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user269270 Avatar asked Jun 07 '14 20:06


People also ask

What is time complexity of DFS in a adjacency matrix?

dfs() has a time complexity of O(8^(n^2)). (n ^ 2) is the total number of characters present in the matrix.

What is the time taken by DFS in adjacency matrix and adjacency list?

The adjacency matrix takes Θ(n 2 ) space, whereas the adjacency list takes Θ(m + n) space. The adjacency matrix takes Θ(n) operations to enumerate the neighbours of a vertex v since it must iterate across an entire row of the matrix. The adjacency list takes deg(v) time.

What is the time complexity of adjacency list and adjacency matrix?

Thus, the time complexity is O(|E|). In order to find for an existing edge the content of matrix needs to be checked. Given two vertices say i and j matrix[i][j] can be checked in O(1) time. In an adjacency list every vertex is associated with a list of adjacent vertices.

Why time complexity of DFS is V e?

For a directed graph, the sum of the sizes of the adjacency lists of all the nodes is E(total number of edges). So, the complexity of DFS is O(V + E). Show activity on this post. It's O(V+E) because each visit to v of V must visit each e of E where |e| <= V-1.

1 Answers

For matrix:

There is one row and one column for each vertex. Position i,j contains 1 if there is an edge from vertex i to vertex j.

The size of the whole matrix is |V|^2

Why the complexity is |V|^2?

Because each position in the matrix is visited once.

For adjacency linked list:

Collection of linked lists with one list for each vertex such that the list for vertex v is the list of all vertices adjacent to vertex v.

Why the complexity is |E|+|V|? Because each position in the adjacency linked list is visited once and there are |V| vertices and |E| edges.

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xiaoyu2er Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 04:01
