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Why is CloudFront varying CORS headers response based on Accept-Encoding?

I'm trying to get CORS to work properly with Amazon S3 + CloudFront.

After setting my CORS Configuration, it seems to work properly:

$ curl -H "Origin: https://app.close.io" -I "https://d4389n07pf8cq.cloudfront.net/built/app.9e1f9ee9.js" -s | grep Access  
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://app.close.io
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, HEAD
Access-Control-Max-Age: 3000
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true

But when the resource is requested with Accept-Encoding: gzip then the CORS headers aren't returned properly.

$ curl -H "Origin: https://app.close.io" -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip" -I "https://d4389n07pf8cq.cloudfront.net/built/app.9e1f9ee9.js" -s | grep Access 

Why is that?

My CORS configuration looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">

(I've also tried a CORS configuration with the Accent-Encoding header removed.)

The S3 object itself is gzipped, and has "Metadata" of Content-Encoding: gzip, Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, and Content-Type: application/javascript.

I don't understand why CloudFront+S3 CORS isn't working properly when requesting gzip.

like image 293
philfreo Avatar asked Feb 02 '13 21:02


People also ask

What headers does CloudFront cache by default?

By default, CloudFront doesn't consider headers when caching your objects in edge locations. If your origin returns two objects and they differ only by the values in the request headers, CloudFront caches only one version of the object.

Does CloudFront cache get requests?

CloudFront always caches responses to GET and HEAD requests. You can also configure CloudFront to cache responses to OPTIONS requests. CloudFront does not cache responses to requests that use the other methods.

What is custom origin in CloudFront?

A custom origin is an HTTP server, for example, a web server. The HTTP server can be an Amazon EC2 instance or an HTTP server that you host somewhere else. An Amazon S3 origin configured as a website endpoint is also considered a custom origin.

How do I enable CORS on CloudFront?

For enabling CORS we need to configure Cloudfront to allow forwarding of required headers. We can configure the behavior of Cloudfront by clicking on Cloudfront Distribution's "Distribution Settings". Then from the "Behaviour" tab click on "Edit". Here we need to whitelist the headers that need to be forwarded.

1 Answers

I think that the problem you are having is caused by CloudFront's lack of native support for CORS. At this time they do not support Vary on the Origin header so it's possible that CloudFront delivered an old cached response that did not have the correct CORS headers for your second request (with accept encoding: gzip).

Have a look at this thread on the AWS forum for a workaround to this missing CORS support:


like image 177
dcro Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 23:10
