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Why is C# Case Sensitive? [closed]

What reasoning exists behind making C# case sensitive?

I'm considering switching from VB.NET to take advantage of some language features (CCR and yield), and understanding the reasoning behind this difference may make the transition easier.

[UPDATE] Well I took the plunge three days ago. Learning C# hasn't been particularly hard, I could barely remember my C++ days in the late 90's though.

Is the Case Sensitivity annoying me? not as much as i'd thought... plus I am finding that it actually is advantageous. I'm actually really happy with the CCR as a asynchronous coordination programming model. If only I had more time on the current project i'd port the code base into C# to take full advantage. Wouldn't be fair to my client though.

Assessing my current project now and I'm seeing blocking threads EVERYWHERE! AHhhh!!!


Well i've been programming in C# for nearly a year now. I'm really enjoying the language, and I really REALLY hate crossing over to VB (especially when it is unavoidable!)

And the case sensitivity thing? not even an issue

like image 543
Andrew Harry Avatar asked Jan 30 '09 05:01

Andrew Harry

People also ask

Why is C named so?

Because a and b and c , so it's name is C. C came out of Ken Thompson's Unix project at AT&T. He originally wrote Unix in assembly language. He wrote a language in assembly called B that ran on Unix, and was a subset of an existing language called BCPL.

Why is C not A or B?

Because C comes after B The reason why the language was named “C” by its creator was that it came after B language. Back then, Bell Labs already had a programming language called “B” at their disposal.

Why is C such an important language?

Being a middle-level language, C reduces the gap between the low-level and high-level languages. It can be used for writing operating systems as well as doing application level programming. Helps to understand the fundamentals of Computer Theories.

2 Answers

C# is case sensistive because it takes after the C style languages which are all case sensitive. This is from memory here's an MSDN link which is not working for me right now I can't verify.

I would also like to point out that this is a very valid use case:

public class Child
   private Person parent;
   public Person Parent
      get { return parent;}

Yes you can get around this using prefixes on your member variables but some people don't like to do that.

like image 182
JoshBerke Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 02:10


Consider the variable names in the following pseudocode:

class Foo extends Object { ... }
foo = new Foo();

Having case sensitivity allows conventions which use case to separate class names and instances; such conventions are not at all uncommon in the development world.

like image 28
Charles Duffy Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 03:10

Charles Duffy