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Why is C++ backward compatible with C ? Why isn't there some "pure" C++ language?





C and C++ are different languages, blababla we know that.

But if those language are different, why is it still possible to use function like malloc or free ? I'm sure there are all sort of dusty things C++ has because of C, but since C++ is another language, why not remove those things to make it a little less bloat and more clean and clear ?

Is it because it allows programmers to work without the OO model or because some compilers doesn't support high-level abstract features of C++ ?

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jokoon Avatar asked Jan 01 '11 18:01


People also ask

Is C backward compatible?

C standards are not backward compatible - code written under the latest standard is not guaranteed to build with compilers that only support earlier versions.

Is C++ completely backwards compatible with C?

C++ is not fully backward compatible with C, wherever it's needed it has drawn a line.

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"Objective-C is a superset of C" means that every valid C program is a valid Objective-C program (with the same meaning).

Why is C++ preferred over C?

Compared to C, C++ has significantly more libraries and functions to use. If you're working with complex software, C++ is a better fit because you have more libraries to rely on. Thinking practically, having knowledge of C++ is often a requirement for a variety of programming roles.

10 Answers

Because C++ would be right out dead if it wouldn't be compatible to C the way it is now. No one, except the fanbois, would like C++ if it wouldn't be compatible to C. (I know I'm probably going to be downvoted for this. Be it so!).

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Johannes Schaub - litb Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10

Johannes Schaub - litb

About "Why there's no "pure" C++ language... Well, there is at least one. The most popular one is called D, it's great, well-designed, feature-rich, pleasant to code with, and you can use C libraries with it.

Ah, and almost nobody uses it. :)

The direct reason is that C++ is not bad enough to give people a good reason to port millions of lines of their legacy code to more modern, and as you described, "pure" languages like D.

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Kos Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10


Most operating systems expose a C API, so if you want to use C++ for systems programming, you need some level of C interoperability.

That the C standard library was incorporated into the C++ standard library has historical and practical reasons: C++ began its life as an extension of C, and the C standard library was ready to use. It would be silly to exclude part of the library (like malloc and free) just because there are more idiomatic C++ alternatives: if you want to do stupid things, C++ gives you the power to do so.

For actual language semantics, the same applies - but to a lesser degree - and because of backwards-compatibility, C++ can never be entirely free of its C heritage.

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Christoph Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10


It's designed so that you can port C code and compile it as C++ code directly, and it allows for incremental upgrading of existing code. If C++ didn't have malloc/free, you couldn't compile existing C code as C++, because you'd have to pay some poor shmuck to go through and find all the malloc calls and replace them, which is expensive.

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Puppy Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10


C++ was designed to be compatible with C -- in fact it was originally a superset of C, but the C language has since changed to break that.

This means that C libraries -- including the C run-time library -- can be called from C++ code. It does not mean that it is a good idea to do so!

If you want a "pure" C++ then you can just use C++ without calling any C libraries.

[As others have said since I started typing this: The Design & Evolution of C++ is a good place to start reading for the background on this.]

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dajames Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10


I suggest you take a look at The Design & Evolution of C++ to get a better feel for the reason the language turned out the way it is. There are historical reasons why C++ grew out of C and was made backward compatible with it.

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Brian Neal Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

Brian Neal

The early versions of C++ were built on top of C and in fact the compiler translated C++ code to C which was in turn compiled by the local C compiler. Bjarne Stroustrup is a great believer in backwards compatibility and would, I'm sure, resist any attempt to take functionality away.

You can read all about in in Bjarne's book The Design and Evolution of C++.

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David Heffernan Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

David Heffernan

There were plenty of more pure languages. They didn't get widely used, though, because they were too far outside the comfort range of most programmers. C++, on the other hand, allowed programmers to slowly ramp up by allowing C styles.

What you're doing is looking at languages like C# or Python and wondering why C++ doesn't look like them, but forgetting that getting there required stepping stones like C++ and Java, or Awk and Perl.

To adapt a quotation I heard earlier: C# is Microsoft's version of Sun's for-idiots version of Bell's version of C-enhanced-by-Simula.

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me22 Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10


All are right. To sum up: the reason is politics. If you want something to be popular, enhance something already popular and you have a ready market. Design something new and no one will be interested unless you are Sun, design some utter crap, but throw billions of dollars into library development and marketing.

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Yttrill Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10


malloc() and free() are required so that you can call into C language libraries from C++ code. The C language library might return a pointer to memory allocated with malloc() that must be freed by the caller with free(); or, less commonly, it might require a pointer to memory allocated with malloc() that it can internally reallocate with realloc() or free with free().

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caf Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10
