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Why is BigInteger in C# a struct if it has an unbounded size?





Why is BigInteger declared as a ValueType (struct) in C#? It seems to be very similar to the string type which is declared as a reference type.

Both are immutable (value types). Both can be arbitrarily large.

The recommendation I have heard is that a struct should never be more than 16 Bytes. BigInteger can get much larger than 16 Bytes and I would think this would make frequent operations extremely slow since it is always copied by value.

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Jacob Schneider Avatar asked Dec 03 '15 17:12

Jacob Schneider

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1 Answers

Copying a BigInteger does not cause the underlying data to be copied. Instead, just a reference to the data is copied.

Since BigInteger values are immutable it is safe for two or more values to share a common data buffer.

BigInteger has two instance fields:

  • int _sign - probably tells whether its a positive or negative value.
  • uint[] _bits - this is a reference to the data buffer.

An int is 4 bytes and a reference is 8 bytes (on a 64-bit system). Therefore the size of a BigInteger is ≤ 16 bytes.

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Mårten Wikström Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 06:09

Mårten Wikström