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Why is Azure "Unable to find the bot with the specified id" when attempting to open a Bot Service that very much exists in the Azure Portal?

I'm having a problem that I cannot find any information on anywhere on the Internet. I'm sharing an Azure directory with a number of my cohorts, and as such, any number of us might be working on a Resource in the Portal. However, when anyone creates a Bot Service, nobody else can access that Resource. Mind you, whoever creates the Bot Service can do whatever they want with it, but anyone else will see the error "Unable to find the bot with the specified id." (Written as is.) This error message is shown in a prompt box (with an "OK" button) over a blank screen (in the context of the Portal window).

We know that there's no problem with permissions, as everyone has full access to everything, and the problem only seems to be present for the Bot Service Resource.

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ConJoJohn Avatar asked Jan 26 '17 18:01


People also ask

How does Azure bot service work?

Azure Bot Service provides an integrated development environment for bot building. Its integration with Power Virtual Agents, a fully hosted low-code platform, enables developers of all technical abilities build conversational AI bots—no code needed.

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Publish Bot Application into Azure App ServiceRight-click on Bot Project > Publish and start publishing the bot application into Azure.

1 Answers


All righty; so the problem's been solved. In order to avoid this error, I had to go to the dev.botframework.com website (where MSDN Bot Framework bots are hosted). Then, I went to the "Edit" section in the details panel on the bot's info page:

enter image description here

Next, I added the email addresses (corresponding to the appropriate Azure accounts) of the users who I wanted to have access to the bot to the Admin section's list of Owners:

enter image description here

And that's all there was to it. Would have been a lot simpler to figure out if there was a better error message! Jeeeeeeez.

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ConJoJohn Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 19:10
