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Why is Arrays.binarySearch not improving the performance compared to walking the array?


I gave a shot at solving the Hackerland Radio Transmitters programming challange.

To summarize, challenge goes as follows:

Hackerland is a one-dimensional city with n houses, where each house i is located at some xi on the x-axis. The Mayor wants to install radio transmitters on the roofs of the city's houses. Each transmitter has a range, k, meaning it can transmit a signal to all houses ≤ k units of distance away.

Given a map of Hackerland and the value of k, can you find the minimum number of transmitters needed to cover every house?

My implementation is as follows:

package biz.tugay;

import java.util.*;

public class HackerlandRadioTransmitters {

    public static int minNumOfTransmitters(int[] houseLocations, int transmitterRange) {
        // Sort and remove duplicates..
        houseLocations = uniqueHouseLocationsSorted(houseLocations);
        int towerCount = 0;
        for (int nextHouseNotCovered = 0; nextHouseNotCovered < houseLocations.length; ) {
            final int towerLocation = HackerlandRadioTransmitters.findNextTowerIndex(houseLocations, nextHouseNotCovered, transmitterRange);
            nextHouseNotCovered = HackerlandRadioTransmitters.nextHouseNotCoveredIndex(houseLocations, towerLocation, transmitterRange);
            if (nextHouseNotCovered == -1) {
        return towerCount;

    public static int findNextTowerIndex(final int[] houseLocations, final int houseNotCoveredIndex, final int transmitterRange) {
        final int houseLocationWeWantToCover = houseLocations[houseNotCoveredIndex];
        final int farthestHouseLocationAllowed = houseLocationWeWantToCover + transmitterRange;
        int towerIndex = houseNotCoveredIndex;
        int loop = 0;
        while (true) {
            if (towerIndex == houseLocations.length - 1) {
            if (farthestHouseLocationAllowed >= houseLocations[towerIndex + 1]) {
        System.out.println("findNextTowerIndex looped : " + loop);
        return towerIndex;

    public static int nextHouseNotCoveredIndex(final int[] houseLocations, final int towerIndex, final int transmitterRange) {
        final int towerCoversUntil = houseLocations[towerIndex] + transmitterRange;
        int notCoveredHouseIndex = towerIndex + 1;
        int loop = 0;
        while (notCoveredHouseIndex < houseLocations.length) {
            final int locationOfHouseBeingChecked = houseLocations[notCoveredHouseIndex];
            if (locationOfHouseBeingChecked > towerCoversUntil) {
                break; // Tower does not cover the house anymore, break the loop..
        if (notCoveredHouseIndex == houseLocations.length) {
            notCoveredHouseIndex = -1;
        System.out.println("nextHouseNotCoveredIndex looped : " + loop);
        return notCoveredHouseIndex;

    public static int[] uniqueHouseLocationsSorted(final int[] houseLocations) {
        final HashSet<Integer> integers = new HashSet<>();
        final int[] houseLocationsUnique = new int[houseLocations.length];

        int innerCounter = 0;
        for (int houseLocation : houseLocations) {
            if (integers.contains(houseLocation)) {
            houseLocationsUnique[innerCounter] = houseLocation;
        return Arrays.copyOf(houseLocationsUnique, innerCounter);

I am pretty sure this implementation is correct. But please see the detail in the functions: findNextTowerIndex and nextHouseNotCoveredIndex: they walk the array one by one!

One of my tests is as follows:

static void test_01() throws FileNotFoundException {
    final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    final File file = new File("input.txt");
    final Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file);
    int[] houseLocations = new int[73382];
    for (int counter = 0; counter < 73382; counter++) {
        houseLocations[counter] = scanner.nextInt();
    final int[] uniqueHouseLocationsSorted = HackerlandRadioTransmitters.uniqueHouseLocationsSorted(houseLocations);
    final int minNumOfTransmitters = HackerlandRadioTransmitters.minNumOfTransmitters(uniqueHouseLocationsSorted, 73381);
    assert minNumOfTransmitters == 1;
    final long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.println("Took: " + (end - start) + " milliseconds..");

where input.txt can be downloaded from here. (It is not the most important detail in this question, but still..) So we have an array of 73382 houses, and I deliberately set the transmitter range so the methods I have loop a lot:

Here is a sample output from this test in my machine:

findNextTowerIndex looped : 38213
nextHouseNotCoveredIndex looped : 13785
Took: 359 milliseconds..

I also have this test, which does not assert anything, but just keeps time:

static void test_02() throws FileNotFoundException {
    final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for (int i = 0; i < 400; i ++) {
        final File file = new File("input.txt");
        final Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file);
        int[] houseLocations = new int[73382];
        for (int counter = 0; counter < 73382; counter++) {
            houseLocations[counter] = scanner.nextInt();
        final int[] uniqueHouseLocationsSorted = HackerlandRadioTransmitters.uniqueHouseLocationsSorted(houseLocations);

        final int transmitterRange = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(1, 70000);
        final int minNumOfTransmitters = HackerlandRadioTransmitters.minNumOfTransmitters(uniqueHouseLocationsSorted, transmitterRange);
    final long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.println("Took: " + (end - start) + " milliseconds..");

where I randomly create 400 transmitter ranges, and run the program 400 times.. I will get run times as follows in my machine..

Took: 20149 milliseconds..

So now, I said, why don 't I use binary search instead of walking the array and changed my implementations as follows:

public static int findNextTowerIndex(final int[] houseLocations, final int houseNotCoveredIndex, final int transmitterRange) {
    final int houseLocationWeWantToCover = houseLocations[houseNotCoveredIndex];
    final int farthestHouseLocationAllowed = houseLocationWeWantToCover + transmitterRange;
    int nextTowerIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(houseLocations, 0, houseLocations.length, farthestHouseLocationAllowed);

    if (nextTowerIndex < 0) {
        nextTowerIndex = -nextTowerIndex;
        nextTowerIndex = nextTowerIndex -2;

    return nextTowerIndex;

public static int nextHouseNotCoveredIndex(final int[] houseLocations, final int towerIndex, final int transmitterRange) {
    final int towerCoversUntil = houseLocations[towerIndex] + transmitterRange;
    int nextHouseNotCoveredIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(houseLocations, 0, houseLocations.length, towerCoversUntil);

    if (-nextHouseNotCoveredIndex > houseLocations.length) {
        return -1;

    if (nextHouseNotCoveredIndex < 0) {
        nextHouseNotCoveredIndex = - (nextHouseNotCoveredIndex + 1);
        return nextHouseNotCoveredIndex;

    return nextHouseNotCoveredIndex + 1;

and I am expecting a great performance boost, as now I will at most loop for log(N) times, instead of O(N).. So test_01 outputs:

Took: 297 milliseconds..

Remember, it was Took: 359 milliseconds.. before. And for test_02:

Took: 18047 milliseconds..

So I always get values around 20 seconds with array walking implementation and 18 - 19 seconds for binary search implementation.

I was expecting a much better performance gain using Arrays.binarySearch but obviously it is not the case, why is this? What am I missing? Do I need an array with more than 73382 to see the benefit, or is it irrelevant?

Edit #01

After @huck_cussler 's comment, I tried doubling and tripling the dataset I have (with random numbers) and tried running test02 (of course with tripling the array sizes in the test itself..). For the linear implementation the times go like this:

Took: 18789 milliseconds..
Took: 34396 milliseconds..
Took: 53504 milliseconds..

For the binary search implementation, I got values as follows:

Took: 18644 milliseconds..
Took: 33831 milliseconds..
Took: 52886 milliseconds..
like image 559
Koray Tugay Avatar asked Apr 25 '17 20:04

Koray Tugay

People also ask

What is array BinarySearch?

BinarySearch(Array, Object) Searches an entire one-dimensional sorted array for a specific element, using the IComparable interface implemented by each element of the array and by the specified object.

Is binary search faster than for loop?

Note: As your data set grows larger, binary search is increasingly faster. This is because of the nature of the growth of linear vs. logarithmic algorithms.

What arrays BinarySearch return?

This method returns index of the search key, if it is contained in the array, else it returns (-(insertion point) - 1). The insertion point is the point at which the key would be inserted into the array: the index of the first element greater than the key, or a.

What sequence does the binary search has the best performance?

The binary search algorithm is, in general, a O(log n) algorithm. That is, the algorithm has "logarithmic time complexity". As is the case with any search algorithm, the best-case performance of binary search is O(1), since the target value might be the first one examined.

1 Answers

Your timing includes the retrieval of data from your hard drive. This could be taking the majority of your runtime. Omit the data load from your timing to get a more accurate comparison of your two approaches. Imagine if it takes up 18 seconds and you're comparing 18.644 vs 18.789 (0.77% improvement) instead of 0.644 vs 0.789 (18.38% improvement).

If you have a linear operation O(n), such as loading a binary structure, and you combine it with a binary search O(log n), you end up with O(n). If you trust Big O notation, then you should expect O(n + log n) to not be significantly different from O(2 * n) as they both reduce to O(n).

Also, a binary search may perform better or worse than a linear search depending on the density of houses between towers. Consider, say 1024 homes with a tower evenly dispersed every 4 homes. A linear search will step 4 times per tower, while a binary search will take log2(1024)=10 steps per tower.

One more thing... your minNumOfTransmitters method is sorting the already-sorted array passed into it from test_01 and test_02. That resorting step takes longer than your searches themselves, which further obscures the timing differences between your two search algorithms.


I created a small timing class to give a better picture of what's happening. I've removed the line of code from minNumOfTransmitters to prevent it from rerunning the sort, and added a boolean param to select whether to use your binary version. It totals the sum of times for 400 iterations, separating out each step. The results on my system illustrate that the load time dwarfs the sort time, which in turn dwarfs the solve time.

  Load:  22.565s
  Sort:   4.518s
Linear:   0.012s
Binary:   0.003s

It's easy to see how optimizing that last step doesn't make much difference in overall runtime.

private static class Timing {
    public long load=0;
    public long sort=0;
    public long solve1=0;
    public long solve2=0;
    private String secs(long millis) {
        return String.format("%3d.%03ds", millis/1000, millis%1000);
    public String toString() {
        return "  Load: " + secs(load) + "\n  Sort: " + secs(sort) + "\nLinear: " + secs(solve1) + "\nBinary: " + secs(solve2);
    public void add(Timing timing) {

static Timing test_01() throws FileNotFoundException {
    Timing timing=new Timing();
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    final File file = new File("c:\\path\\to\\xnpwdiG3.txt");
    final Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file);
    int[] houseLocations = new int[73382];
    for (int counter = 0; counter < 73382; counter++) {
        houseLocations[counter] = scanner.nextInt();
    final int[] uniqueHouseLocationsSorted = HackerlandRadioTransmitters.uniqueHouseLocationsSorted(houseLocations);
    final int minNumOfTransmitters = HackerlandRadioTransmitters.minNumOfTransmitters(uniqueHouseLocationsSorted, 73381, false);
    final int minNumOfTransmittersBin = HackerlandRadioTransmitters.minNumOfTransmitters(uniqueHouseLocationsSorted, 73381, true);
    final long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    return timing;
like image 141
phatfingers Avatar answered Jan 09 '23 00:01
