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Why is (a | b ) equivalent to a - (a & b) + b?

I was looking for a way to do a BITOR() with an Oracle database and came across a suggestion to just use BITAND() instead, replacing BITOR(a,b) with a + b - BITAND(a,b).

I tested it by hand a few times and verified it seems to work for all binary numbers I could think of, but I can't think out quick mathematical proof of why this is correct.
Could somebody enlighten me?

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Brandon Yarbrough Avatar asked Oct 21 '09 23:10

Brandon Yarbrough

People also ask

WHY IS A implies B equivalent to not A or B?

For instance, logical implication: A implies B if whenever A is true, B is true too. It's usually interpreted to mean (see discussion in Section 14.2) that this can only be false when A is true and B is false, so an equivalent proposition is "B or not A".

What is not A or B equivalent to?

DeMorgan's Laws The negation of a conjunction (logical AND) of 2 statements is logically equivalent to the disjunction (logical OR) of each statement's negation. That sounds like a mouthful, but what it means is that "not (A and B)" is logically equivalent to "not A or not B".

How do you know if something is logically equivalent?

Logical equivalence occurs when two statements have the same truth value. This means that one statement can be true in its own context, and the second statement can also be true in its own context, they just both have to have the same meaning.

3 Answers

A & B is the set of bits that are on in both A and B. A - (A & B) leaves you with all those bits that are only on in A. Add B to that, and you get all the bits that are on in A or those that are on in B.

Simple addition of A and B won't work because of carrying where both have a 1 bit. By removing the bits common to A and B first, we know that (A-(A&B)) will have no bits in common with B, so adding them together is guaranteed not to produce a carry.

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Ned Batchelder Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10

Ned Batchelder

Imagine you have two binary numbers: a and b. And let's say that these number never have 1 in the same bit at the same time, i.e. if a has 1 in some bit, the b always has 0 in the corresponding bit. And in other direction, if b has 1 in some bit, then a always has 0 in that bit. For example

a = 00100011
b = 11000100

This would be an example of a and b satisfying the above condition. In this case it is easy to see that a | b would be exactly the same as a + b.

a | b = 11100111
a + b = 11100111

Let's now take two numbers that violate our condition, i.e. two numbers have at least one 1 in some common bit

a = 00100111
b = 11000100

Is a | b the same as a + b in this case? No

a | b = 11100111
a + b = 11101011

Why are they different? They are different because when we + the bit that has 1 in both numbers, we produce so called carry: the resultant bit is 0, and 1 is carried to the next bit to the left: 1 + 1 = 10. Operation | has no carry, so 1 | 1 is again just 1.

This means that the difference between a | b and a + b occurs when and only when the numbers have at least one 1 in common bit. When we sum two numbers with 1 in common bits, these common bits get added "twice" and produce a carry, which ruins the similarity between a | b and a + b.

Now look at a & b. What does a & b calculate? a & b produces the number that has 1 in all bits where both a and b have 1. In our latest example

a =     00100111
b =     11000100
a & b = 00000100

As you saw above, these are exactly the bits that make a + b differ from a | b. The 1 in a & b indicate all positions where carry will occur.

Now, when we do a - (a & b) we effectively remove (subtract) all "offending" bits from a and only such bits

a - (a & b) = 00100011

Numbers a - (a & b) and b have no common 1 bits, which means that if we add a - (a & b) and b we won't run into a carry, and, if you think about it, we should end up with the same result as if we just did a | b

a - (a & b) + b = 11100111
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AnT Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10


A&B = C where any bits left set in C are those set in both A and in B.
Either A-C = D or B-C = E sets just these common bits to 0. There is no carrying effect because 1-1=0.
D+B or E+A is similar to A+B except that because we subtracted A&B previously there will be no carry due to having cleared all commonly set bits in D or E.

The net result is that A-A&B+B or B-A&B+A is equivalent to A|B.

Here's a truth table if it's still confusing:

 A | B | OR   A | B | &    A | B | -    A | B | + 
---+---+---- ---+---+---  ---+---+---  ---+---+---
 0 | 0 | 0    0 | 0 | 0    0 | 0 | 0    0 | 0 | 0  
 0 | 1 | 1    0 | 1 | 0    0 | 1 | 0-1  0 | 1 | 1
 1 | 0 | 1    1 | 0 | 0    1 | 0 | 1    1 | 0 | 1  
 1 | 1 | 1    1 | 1 | 1    1 | 1 | 0    1 | 1 | 1+1

Notice the carry rows in the + and - operations, we avoid those because A-(A&B) sets cases were both bits in A and B are 1 to 0 in A, then adding them back from B also brings in the other cases were there was a 1 in either A or B but not where both had 0, so the OR truth table and the A-(A&B)+B truth table are identical.

Another way to eyeball it is to see that A+B is almost like A|B except for the carry in the bottom row. A&B isolates that bottom row for us, A-A&B moves those isolated cased up two rows in the + table, and the (A-A&B)+B becomes equivalent to A|B.

While you could commute this to A+B-(A&B), I was afraid of a possible overflow but that was unjustified it seems:

#include <stdio.h>
int main(){ unsigned int a=0xC0000000, b=0xA0000000;
printf("%x %x %x %x\n",a,   b,       a|b,       a&b);
printf("%x %x %x %x\n",a+b, a-(a&b), a-(a&b)+b, a+b-(a&b)); }

c0000000 a0000000 e0000000 80000000
60000000 40000000 e0000000 e0000000

Edit: So I wrote this before there were answers, then there was some 2 hours of down time on my home connection, and I finally managed to post it, noticing only afterwards that it'd been properly answered twice. Personally I prefer referring to a truth table to work out bitwise operations, so I'll leave it in case it helps someone.

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dlamblin Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10
