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Why increase spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead?

I am trying to join two large spark dataframes and keep running into this error:

Container killed by YARN for exceeding memory limits. 24 GB of 22 GB physical memory used. Consider boosting spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead.

This seems like a common issue among spark users, but I can't seem to find any solid descriptions of what spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverheard is. In some cases it sounds like it's a kind of memory buffer before YARN kills the container (e.g. 10GB was requested, but YARN won't kill the container until it uses 10.2GB). In other cases it sounds like it's being used to to do some kind of data accounting tasks that are completely separate from the analysis that I want to perform. My questions are:

  • What is the spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead being using for?
  • What is the benefit of increasing this kind of memory instead of executor memory (or the number of executors)?
  • In general, are there things steps I can take to reduce my spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead usage (e.g. particular datastructures, limiting the width of the dataframes, using fewer executors with more memory, etc)?
like image 846
Fortunato Avatar asked Apr 23 '18 19:04


People also ask

What is Spark YARN executor memoryOverHead used for?

memoryOverhead property is added to the executor memory to determine the full memory request to YARN for each executor. It defaults to max(executorMemory * 0.10, with minimum of 384).

What is Spark YARN memoryOverHead?

The spark. driver. memoryOverHead enables you to set the memory utilized by every Spark driver process in cluster mode. This is the memory that accounts for things like VM overheads, interned strings, other native overheads, etc. – it tends to grow with the executor size (typically 6-10%).

What is the maximum executor memory in Spark?

Broadly set the memory between 8GB and 16GB. This is an arbitrary choice and governed by the above two points. Pack as many executors as can be assigned to one cluster node. Evenly distribute cores to all executors.

How is executor memory overhead calculated?

Number of executors per node = 30/10 = 3. Memory per executor = 64GB/3 = 21GB. Counting off heap overhead = 7% of 21GB = 3GB. So, actual --executor-memory = 21 - 3 = 18GB.

1 Answers

Overhead options are nicely explained in the configuration document:

This is memory that accounts for things like VM overheads, interned strings, other native overheads, etc. This tends to grow with the executor size (typically 6-10%).

This also includes user objects if you use one of the non-JVM guest languages (Python, R, etc...).

like image 165
Alper t. Turker Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 09:09

Alper t. Turker