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Why I get "The specified PFX password is not correct" when trying to sign application with signtool?




I followed this link to sign my exe application.

  • I installed SDK tool on Windows 7,

  • run C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Bin>makecert.exe -sv App-O.pvk -n "CN=MY DIGITAL KEY" App-O.cer

Dialog opened to provide password:

enter image description here

I wrote password : 'fess'

new window opened:

enter image description here

I entered: 'fess'


files App-O.cer and App-O.pvk creaded.

now I generate pfx:

pvk2pfx.exe -pvk App-O.pvk -spc App-O.cer -pfx App-O.pfx

Dialog opened to provide password:

enter image description here

i pasted 'fess'

file pfx created.

Now i run signtool:

 C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Bin>signtool.exe sign /f "App-O.pfx" /p fess "C:\Output\setup.exe"

Here I got the error:

SignTool Error: The specified PFX password is not correct.

Number of files successfully Signed: 0
Number of warnings: 0
Number of errors: 1

What did I miss?

BTW, the same error I get from CMD shell of Windows SDK.


like image 985
Maxim Shoustin Avatar asked Apr 18 '13 11:04

Maxim Shoustin

1 Answers

Just stumbled accross this question when receiving a similar error with a DigiCert code signing certificate just on some machines.

Turns out I had selected SHA256 encryption instead of TripleDES-SHA1 when exporting the certificate and one of our build machines is still running Windows Server 2012 R2. This OS is obviously not capable of decrypting the certificate then, resulting in the same (irritating in this case) error message.

UPDATE: The same behaviour also occurs on Azure Devops classic pipelines using Hosted VS2017 pipeline and a DigiCert certificate.

The new YAML pipelines work with the SHA256

like image 89
JBartlau Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09
