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Why I get "Invalid left-hand side in assignment"?

There is code:

function search(list, q){
  var result = {};
  for(let id in list)(
    (!q.id    || (id == q.id)) &&
    (!q.name  || (list[id].name.search(q.name) > -1)) &&
    result[id] = list[id]

  return result;

I get this error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment    script.js:4

Why "&&" is wrong?

like image 854
Turar Abu Avatar asked Dec 01 '17 03:12

Turar Abu

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1 Answers

The problem is that the assignment operator, =, is a low-precedence operator, so it's being interpreted in a way you don't expect. If you put that last expression in parentheses, it works:

  for(let id in list)(
    (!q.id    || (id == q.id)) &&
    (!q.name  || (list[id].name.search(q.name) > -1)) &&
    (result[id] = list[id])
like image 72
Pointy Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09
