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why i can't cast nullptr to weak_ptr<>


class MyClass { public:      MyClass(std::weak_ptr<MyClass> parent){} } 

i want to do this:

auto newInstance = std::make_shared<MyClass>(nullptr); 

or default value of weak_ptr argument is null, such as :

void function(int arg,std::weak_ptr<MyClass> obj = nullptr); 

but, what i need is to do this instead:

auto newInstance = std::make_shared<MyClass>(std::shared_ptr<MyClass>(nullptr)); 

why is that?

like image 262
uray Avatar asked Jul 01 '12 12:07


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Defined in header <memory> template< class T > class weak_ptr; (since C++11) std::weak_ptr is a smart pointer that holds a non-owning ("weak") reference to an object that is managed by std::shared_ptr. It must be converted to std::shared_ptr in order to access the referenced object.

1 Answers

Because a weak_ptr in concept can only be constructed from another weak_ptr or shared_ptr. It just doesn't make sense to construct from a raw pointer, whether it's nullptr or not.

You can use a default constructed weak_ptr (std::weak_ptr<MyClass>()) where you are trying to use nullptr:

auto newInstance = std::make_shared<MyClass>(std::weak_ptr<MyClass>()); void function(int arg,std::weak_ptr<MyClass> obj = std::weak_ptr<MyClass>()); 
like image 60
David Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09
