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Why HTTP/2 does multiplexing altough tcp does same thing?

As far as i know, TCP break down a message into segments. So, Why is multiplexing again on HTTP2? What are the benefits of multiplexing twice?

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devhak Avatar asked Dec 02 '22 10:12


1 Answers

TCP isn’t multiplexed. TCP is just a guaranteed messaging stream (i.e. missing packets are re-requested and the TCP stream is basically temporarily blocked while this happens).

TCP, as a packet based protocol, can be used for multiplexed connections if the higher level application protocol (e.g. HTTP) allows sending of multiple messages. Unfortunately HTTP/1.1 does not allow this: once a HTTP/1.1 message is sent, no other message can be sent on that connection until that message is returned in full (ignoring the badly supported pipelining concept). This means HTTP/1.1 is basically synchronous and, if the full bandwidth is not used and other HTTP messages are queued, then it wastes any extra capacity that could be used on the underlying TCP connection.

To get around this more TCP connections can be opened, which basically allows HTTP/1.1 to act like a (limited) multiplexed protocol. If the network bandwidth was fully utilised then those extra connections would not add any benefit - it’s the fact there is capacity and that the other TCP connections are not being fully utilised that means this makes sense.

So HTTP/2 adds multiplexing to the protocol to allow a single TCP connection to be used for multiple in flight HTTP requests.

It does this by changing the text-based HTTP/1.1 protocol to a binary, packet-based protocol. These may look like TCP packets but that’s not really relevant (in the same way that saying TCP is similar to IP because it’s packet based is not relevant). Splitting messages into packets is really the only way of allowing multiple messages to be in flight at the same time.

HTTP/2 also adds the concept of streams so that packets can belong to different requests - TCP has no such concept - and this is what really makes HTTP/2 multiplexed.

In fact, because TCP doesn’t allow separate, independents streams (i.e. multiplexing), and because it is guaranteed, this actually introduces a new problem where a single dropped TCP packet holds up all the HTTP/2 streams on that connection, despite the fact that only one stream should really be affected and the other streams should be able to carry on despite this. This can even make HTTP/2 slower in certain conditions. Google is experimenting with moving away from TCP to QUIC to address this.

More details on what multiplexing means under HTTP/2 (and why it is a good improvement!) in my answer here: What does multiplexing mean in HTTP/2

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Barry Pollard Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 23:12

Barry Pollard