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Why getElementById does not work on elements other than document?



Why document.body.getElementById(idOfElem) and document.body.getElementsByName(nameOfElem) not working?


Why document.body.getElementByTagName(tagOfElem) and document.body.getElementByClassName(classOfElem) working?

When using the first, the browser throw this error:

TypeError: document.body.getElementById is not a function[Learn More]

like image 837
hamidb80 Avatar asked Feb 10 '17 17:02


1 Answers

Since IDs are unique you have to use document.getElementById as it is the only DOM element that have that function.

Elements other than document have these functions: getElementsByTagName, getElementsByClassName, querySelector and querySelectorAll but not the getElementById.

Why not define it on elements other than document?

An element with an ID is unique no matter what its parent is. Therefore, it's uncessary to know the parent of an element before getting that element using its ID. So, there's no need to put the function getElementById on all elements, putting it only on document will suffice.

Why are the other functions defined?

Because you sometimes need to get the <div>s or <p>s or elements with some class .cls only if they're inside a known element. Then if you use document as the root, the result will be all the elements in the document not just the ones inside your desired element.


document.getElementById will always return at most one element, hence why redefining it on every DOM element (it will be useless). But other functions like getElementsByTagName, getElementByClassName, ... could return as many as there could be. So we put them on all elements so that we can narrow the search by specifying a root to start the search from.

like image 183
ibrahim mahrir Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

ibrahim mahrir