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Why Firefox says that window.event is undefined? (call function with added event listener)

I have a trouble in this part:

var ex = {   exampl: function(){     var ref=window.event.target||window.event.srcElement; // here     alert(ref.innerHTML); // (example)   } } 

This function is called this way:


Only Firefox says that window.event isn't defined...

I don't know what to do, to make it work. It works very well in webkit browsers and opera (I can't check it in MSIE and I don't care about it).

Why does it happen?

like image 741
anony_root Avatar asked Mar 21 '12 21:03


People also ask

Why are my event listeners not working?

If your event listener not working is dependent on some logic, whether it's about which element it'll listen on or if it's registered at all, the first step is to check that the listener is indeed added to the element. Using a breakpoint in the developer tools , a logpoint or console.

Can you add event listener to window?

You can add event listeners to any DOM object not only HTML elements. i.e the window object. The addEventListener() method makes it easier to control how the event reacts to bubbling.

1 Answers

try getting the event using the parameter passed (named e in this case). i tested this and both window.event and the e is supported in chrome.

try checking for both, whichever exists

var ex = {   exampl: function(e){      console.log(window.event);     console.log(e);        //check if we have "e" or "window.event" and use them as "evt"     var evt = e || window.event        } } 
like image 178
Joseph Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09
