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Why doGet(), doPost() Methods are "protected"?



I'm confused about the access modifier of the doGet(), doPost() and other methods of HttpServlet class.

Why are they protected?

As per my understanding, the protected modifier of doGet() means that a client has to be in the same package (or a child - through inheritance) to access doGet(). So how will the invoking JSP or the container access it?

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Jay Jain Avatar asked Jan 28 '13 06:01

Jay Jain

People also ask

Why doGet method is protected?

Because doGet() is called by the service() method. and service method. And they both are in the same package.So the doGet method is protected.

Which is secure doGet or doPost?

If you going to use doGet() method this will append the your username and password end of url.So it is not secure.So i suggest you that go for doPost() method that is more secure. And if you want more security you also go SSL(Secure Socket Layer).

Why doPost () method is preferred over doGet () method?

->doGet() shall be used when small amount of data and insensitive data like a query has to be sent as a request. ->doPost() shall be used when comparatively large amount of sensitive data has to be sent. Examples are sending data after filling up a form or sending login id and password.

What is difference between doGet () and doPost () methods?

doget() is request information. dopost() is provide information. In doget() parameters are appended to URL and sent with header information. In dopost(), on the other hand, will send the information through socket back to the webservers and it won't show in the URL bar.

3 Answers

They're protected primarily for two reasons.

  1. So that external classes can't just call them, like you reasoned. Technically, there are ways to get around method visibility modifiers using Java Reflection (if the Security Manager allows it or there is none), but ordinarily, a protected method can only be accessed by classes in the same package or by subclasses, which brings me to point #2.
  2. So that subclasses or concrete implementations of HttpServlet can override them. Well, they can also be overridden if they were public, but see point #1.

Now your other question, "So how will the invoking JSP or the Container access it?"

HttpServlet implements the Servlet interface, which declares a service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) method. This, of course, by default becomes public in HttpServlet. This is the primary entry point (for containers) to call into HttpServlet implementations.

My guess (I haven't dived into the source) is that the default implementation of HttpServlet checks the ServletRequest object passed in, which is actually an HttpServletRequest and which defines a getMethod() method that returns the HTTP method used. It then dispatches to either doGet() or doPost() depending on the HTTP request method.

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Alistair A. Israel Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 20:10

Alistair A. Israel

Here's from the official javadoc.

Provides an abstract class to be subclassed to create an HTTP servlet suitable for a Web site. A subclass of HttpServlet must override at least one method, usually one of these:

doGet, if the servlet supports HTTP GET requests

doPost, for HTTP POST requests

doPut, for HTTP PUT requests

doDelete, for HTTP DELETE requests

init and destroy, to manage resources that are held for the life of the servlet

getServletInfo, which the servlet uses to provide information about itself

And also

There's almost no reason to override the service method. service handles standard HTTP requests by dispatching them to the handler methods for each HTTP request type (the doXXX methods listed above).

And in the docs for doGet method:

Called by the server (via the service method) to allow a servlet to handle a GET request.

So HttpServlet is designed for inheritance and the entry point is the service method. Hence doGet is protected to enforce clear API.

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denis.solonenko Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 21:10


doGet and doPost are the basic methods in generating and sending the HttpResponse to the client (i.e usually Browser or HttpClient)

Also, The container calls the Servlet.service() method which is public. It then calls the HttpServlet.service() method which is protected and it then call doGet()/doPost() method.

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TheWhiteRabbit Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 21:10
