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Why doesn't this generic recognize its superclass boundary (Java)?




I have a system of object instances that contain a reference to a definition object. I have a top-level class for each inheritance tree. The instance object has a generic reference to the corresponding definition class.

Using generics in the getter, a subclass of the top-level object can get the right type of definition without casting. However, an abstract subclass that is subclassed again cannot:

class Def { }

abstract class Animal<D extends Def> {
    D def;
    D getDef() { return def; }

class CatDef extends Def { }
class Cat extends Animal<CatDef> { }

abstract class BearDef extends Def { }
abstract class Bear<D extends BearDef> extends Animal<D> { }

class BlackBearDef extends BearDef { }
class BlackBear extends Bear<BlackBearDef> { }

class AnimalDefTest {
    public static void main (String... args) {
        Cat cat = new Cat();
        CatDef catDef = cat.getDef(); // CatDef works fine

        Bear bear = new BlackBear();
        BearDef bearDef = bear.getDef(); // Error: Expected Def not BearDef? Why???
        BearDef bearDef2 = ((Animal<BearDef>)bear).getDef(); // Works

Why does getDef require a Bear to be cast to (Animal<BearDef>) to get a BearDef? Bear is conclusively defined as extends Animal<? extends BearDef>.

[Edit] Even stranger, if I change the Bear class line:

abstract class Bear<D extends BearDef> extends Animal<BearDef> { }

(In which case D is unused and is irrelevant) it still doesn't work. Erase D and the following line resolves the error in the code above (but doesn't help me do what I need to do with subclass definitions):

abstract class Bear extends Animal<BearDef> { }
like image 860
Nicole Avatar asked Nov 10 '10 16:11


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Java Generic methods and generic classes enable programmers to specify, with a single method declaration, a set of related methods, or with a single class declaration, a set of related types, respectively. Generics also provide compile-time type safety that allows programmers to catch invalid types at compile time.

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2 Answers

You're using the raw type Bear when in fact it should be parameterized with a type of BearDef. If you wrote

Bear<BlackBearDef> bear = new BlackBear();


Bear<?> bear = new BlackBear();

it'd work fine.

Another thing: I'm not sure how you intend to use this, but it seems likely to me that you would be fine just doing this instead:

abstract class Bear extends Animal<BearDef> {}

class BlackBear extends Bear {
  // make use of covariant return type to make BlackBear return correct def
  BlackBearDef getDef() { ... }

My reason for thinking this is that if you want a Bear whose getDef() method returns a BlackBearDef, that Bear reference would need to be parameterized as Bear<BlackBearDef>. In that case (for your example anyway) you effectively know that it's a BlackBear from the declared type, so you might as well just be referring to it as a BlackBear. That said, it's obviously not always so simple and your actual situation may not allow this.

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ColinD Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10


This will work too:

Bear<?> bear = new BlackBear(); 
like image 30
Allen P Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10

Allen P