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Why doesn't the XmlSerializer need the type to be marked [Serializable]?

In C#, if I want to serialize an instance with XmlSerializer, the object's type doesn't have to be marked with [Serializable] attribute. However, for other serialization approaches, such as DataContractSerializer, needs the class be marked as [Serializable] or [DataContract].

Is there any standard or pattern about serialization requirement?

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Morgan Cheng Avatar asked Dec 25 '08 01:12

Morgan Cheng

People also ask

What is XmlSerializer?

XML serialization is the process of converting XML data from its representation in the XQuery and XPath data model, which is the hierarchical format it has in a Db2® database, to the serialized string format that it has in an application.

How does the XmlSerializer work C#?

The XmlSerializer creates C# (. cs) files and compiles them into . dll files in the directory named by the TEMP environment variable; serialization occurs with those DLLs. These serialization assemblies can be generated in advance and signed by using the SGen.exe tool.

What is DataContractSerializer and how its different from XmlSerializer?

DataContractSerializer can able to serialize types that implements Idictionary whereas XML serializer not. DataContractSerializer serializes all members which are marked with [DataMember] attribute even if member is marked private. XML serializer serialize only public members.

Why do we use XmlSerializer class?

XmlSerializer enables you to control how objects are encoded into XML. The XmlSerializer enables you to control how objects are encoded into XML, it has a number of constructors.

1 Answers

This is because XmlSerializer only serializes public fields/properties. Other forms of serialization can serialize private data, which constitutes a potential security risk, so you have to "opt in" using an attribute.

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Eric Rosenberger Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 19:10

Eric Rosenberger