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Why doesn't the selector h3:nth-child(1):contains('a') work?

I check this selector:


selector doesn't work?

I check this in firefinder and does return nothing (not info that there is zero elements)

Then check this:


and it returns h3, so selector is almost good, but something with this(h3 has text 'a') text goes wrong.

like image 333
user278618 Avatar asked Jan 24 '11 10:01


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The :nth-child(n) selector matches every element that is the nth child of its parent. n can be a number, a keyword (odd or even), or a formula (like an + b). Tip: Look at the :nth-of-type() selector to select the element that is the nth child, of the same type (tag name), of its parent.

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1 Answers

:contains() is not was going to be a CSS3 selector (thanks T.J. Crowder for the link), but it didn't make it, most likely because the way it works tends to lead to severe performance and over-selection issues. For example, if an element E matches :contains() for a given string argument, then all of its ancestors would also match; using it with a universal selector would lead to unexpected results with certain style properties, on top of being slow for the browser.

There is no other CSS selector that serves a purpose like :contains(). So you'll have to find some other way, either by modifying your HTML or even by using jQuery's :contains(), to achieve the effect you want:

Select an h3 element
if it is the first child of its parent
and its text contains the letter 'a'.

For jQuery and Selenium RC users: :contains() is implemented in the Sizzle selector engine used by jQuery, which is also used in Selenium RC (but not Selenium WebDriver). It works as described in this decade-old revision of the CSS3 spec, but again, due to how the spec describes it, you need to use it with care or it may lead to unexpected selections.

On a final note, h3:nth-child(1) can be replaced with h3:first-child, which as a CSS2 selector has better browser support.

like image 70
BoltClock Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 02:10
